Monday, January 27, 2020
Biology Essays Factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics
Biology Essays Factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics An essay on the factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics and the challenges managing these populations. Introduction The Neotropics includes Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean and Southern Florida and it also hold the greatest amount of standing forests. These wooded wildlands are mosaic in a variety of green that together add up to some 1.37 million acres. Mammals in these areas are affected by several factors which affect their livelihood and sustenance. As a result, any of these species are either being extinct or reduced. Mammals are described as any of a large group of warm-blooded vertebrate animals characterized by having mammary glands in the female, which is used for suckling the young. Other features includes hairs which are very reduced in some species such as whales, a middle ear formed from three small bones (ossicles), a lower jaw consisting of two bones only, seven vertebrae in the neck and no nucleus in the red blood cells. Mammals belong to the class Mammalia. They are divided into three groups. Eutherians (Placental mammals), this is where the young develop inside the mother’s body in the uterus and receives nourishment from the blood of the mother via the placenta. The Marsupials (Pouched mammlas), where the young’s are born at an early stage of development and develop futher in a pouch on the mother’s body where they are attached to and feed from a nipple and the final group being, Monotremes (Egg- laying mammlas), this is where the young hatch from an egg outside the mother’s body and then nourished with milk. The monotremes are the least evolved and have been largely displaced by more sophisticated marsupials and placentals, so they are only a few types surviving platypus and echidna. Placental mammals have spread to all parts of the globe where they have competed with marsupials; they have in general displaced the marsupial types. However, marsupials occupy many specialized niches in South America and especially Australia. There are over 4000 species of mammals, adapted to almost every way of life, with the smallest shrew weighing 2g/0.07oz and the largest the whale up to 140 tons. According to the Red list of endangered species published by the World Conservation Union for 1996, 25% of mammal species population is threatened with extinction. The Red list of endangered species is a scientific assessment of the status of the world’s animal species. Although it carries no legal force this international compilation is seen by many scientist and conservationist as a warning of global decline in the wildlife biodiversity. The report also sates that 24 of the 26 orders of mammalian species are at the brink of extinction globally with an excess of 50% of the neotropical mammalian species. A leading cause of this decline in population is due to habitat degradation and destruction which is mostly due to human population and economic development, such as, over hunting, pollution and deforestation. There is also the introduction of non native species that plays a significant threat to mammalian species survival along side climatic changes. This assignment will discuss the factors affecting mammal population in the neotropics and also I will seek to list the challenges managing these populations. Factors affecting mammals of the neotropics Humans are the chief cause of neotropical mammalian loss. They destroy the plants which provide food and also shelter for the animals and also hunt for them and utilize their meat as food and their skin for clothing. Plants are generally taxonomically diverse and omnipresent. They function as primary producers hence; they are the most critical components in the maintenance of a vibrant functional mammalian population. It provides food for almost all mammals, coverings for numerous organisms, stabilize water sheds functioning and also provide a variety of other critical ecological functions such as stabilizing the earth’s oxygen content and nitrogen fixation which are vital for the animals’ survival. Most of this destruction by humans (a mammal) occurs to clear land for agriculture and cattle grazing, even though much of the forested land is inappropriate for farming or ranching. Cutting down of the plant removes most of the nutrients from the ecosystem, leaving soil tha t will only be able to support intensive agriculture for a couple of seasons. Over the past decade, Large-scale forest fires, timber extraction by local and foreign companies, mining, the building of dams, and population growth have also made significant contributions to forest loss in the neotropics. Population growth and economic expansion have led to the construction of new roads and buildings that both physically and ecologically fragment the forest, reducing its vitality. The now plantless lands or once forested areas are subsequently being used for the construction of homes, and consequently animals are being forced to migrate form these areas resulting in reduction in the species population. Habitat fragmentation could result in the loss and strain on the mammalian population. Some animals can benefit from the fragments of land while others may not. Depending on the size of the island patches large animals like jaguars can find it very difficult to obtain sufficient food for their survival. Many mammals such as manatees, cows, pigs, and sheep just to name a few are hunted and used by humans for food purposes. In addition to be hunted for food purposes some animals are hunted primarily for clothing and ornamental purposes. Wildlife trade also reduces the population or destroys the habitat of many neotropical mammals. Wild life trade is the third largest illegal trade in the world and it has an estimate of $1 billion on the Brazilian market alone. It affects most of the species that are officially listed as endangered species. As it relates to Brazil wildlife animals are officially being held in captivity including the threatened species such as the golden lion tamarin and the capuchin monkeys. Over the years, penalties have been enforced on poachers and people who obtain the wild animals. Mammals that are being taken out of their natural habitat are being trained and used as game animals for exhibition and economical purposes. Neotropical environments are also threatened by intensifying and poorly planned developments. Such development has resulted in ecosystem devastation. Pollution of rivers, beaches and other water beds by industrial, municipal and human waste has resulted in the loss or illness of many aquatic mammals such as dolphins. In the most industrialized country, Brazil, pollution in the area has often resulted in acid rain over the forest remnants. Fires such as campfires and accidental forest fires play a critical role in the depletion of the species. Noise pollution also plays a part in the disturbance of mammals’ population especially underwater noise pollution which is a disturbing problem that is quickly degrading the ocean life. This type of pollution can be described in many ways, simply because the ocean is filled to the brim with loud noises coming from various sources for example, military sonar, used for defensive and research purposes, fishing boats, merchant ships, research vessels, and oil rigs. Some of these noises are as a result of human activity. The increase of noise in the ocean has adverse effects on marine mammals in almost every aspect of their life, one of which is their behaviour. In order to communicate with each other, many species of whales depend on hearing calls from other whales. These calls can easily be hidden behind acoustic masking from sounds in the same frequency ranges. For example, the calls of baleen whales (humpback, blue, fin, and grey whales) are frequencies that range from 20 to 500 Hz. Sonar and even natural sources frequencies of sounds can mask the calls of whales and other marine mammals and significantly alter their natural behaviors. This noise can also cover other behaviors such as dolphin special echolocation skills used for navigational purposes, foraging for food, and communication within the specific group members. You can get expert help with your essays right now. Find out more The building of roads and other building can divide biomes and isolate many animals in the neotropics through the clearing of trees. Road traffic also causes pollution and also kills many of the animals. Many highways and buildings have been built without necessary environmental impact reports, and many are left unfinished, leaving neighboring areas vulnerable to severe erosion, that can have negative outcome on the animals’ survival. Climatic changes can also have impacts on the species population. High environmental temperatures can lessen male fertility by damaging or killing sperm, While, it can also trigger blood flow changes that reduce the flow of blood to the uterine tract, damaging or killing developing embryos in females thus lowering, their fertility rate. All the above factors can have and is having a great impact on the neotropical mammal population. Challenges managing the factors affecting the neotropic mammal population Although neotropical mammals, are faced with many challenges in dealing with their continuous existence, various managing schemes are being put in place to prevent these hazardous impacts to control their population. Conservation projects have being established in selected areas in an attempt to reverse the trend in declining population sizes. These projects play a vital part in the development of ecotourism in almost all parts of the neotropics and also the protection and conservation of various animal species. In terms of ecotourism development, tourists will have to pay to visit areas with interesting natural and cultural features. Conservationists from the various projects can also work along with local communities to educate people about the value of the wildlife in the area, to eliminate illegal hunting and to assist communities in developing farming and logging methods that are habitat and also animal friendly. The implementation of national parks and other private organizations can also play a part in conservation activities that can help to eradicate and protect the neotropical animals who lives are at stake. In addition to the development in ecotourism, the establishment of protected areas can also play a part in protecting the species diversity. Protected areas establishment will tend to have important economic as well as social function in conserving biodiversity. Captive breeding is another managing scheme which can help with this. It focuses on the reproduction of rare animals in captivity. The legal practice of captive breeding increases the population of many endangered species world wide. Species that are being held captive in this way can serve as a demographic and genetic reservoir for the species. Examples of few neotropical mammals held captive are the golden lion tamarin the capuchin monkeys, seals manatees and wildcats such as jaguar. A penalty of a fixed amount should be enforced to the various people of the different regions who practice the illegal capturing and use of the animals in the wild for their own purposes such as exploitation and over hunting. In 1975, the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) treaty prohibited international trade on most wild cats and was dramatically effective in curtailing trade of jaguar skins. In closing it can be noted that a wise approach towards the neotropical regions can be of great importance in the conservation of the animals species diversity. Although many of these approach are being taken by humans (a mammal), much more measures should be put in place try and curb this situation, because they are some heartless people who are still practicing these unlawful activities and should be punished for their heartless actions. With this in place there will be a rich mammalian population not only in the neotropical regions but also other parts of the world. References Lindley, David (1998) Webster’s New World Dictionary of Science, Helicon Publishing Limited Whitmore, T.C. (1998) An Introduction to Tropical Rain Forests, Second Edition Oxford University Press New York date accessed 2008-02-26 date accessed 2008-02-26
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Union Reconstructed
1. Explain how blacks responded to their former masters after the Civil War had ended. After the Civil War had ended, blacks responded to their former masters in two different ways. They would either return to their former masters for work and every time they would leave the plantation they would go farther claiming they didn’t want to stay on the plantation forever. This caused them to continue to have communication with their former masters and never completely became independent. The second response was they would chose to become entirely independent to their masters. They would seek work in the city and began their new free lives. Often times they all struggled but they were now free. 2. Compare the economic conditions of the South with the economic conditions of the North during the period of Reconstruction. The economic conditions of the South compared to the North during the period of Reconstruction varied quite heavily. The South was limited in many ways after the war and had little to expand and prosper where as the North had everything from political power to trade. They made it so the South could not have much political power which in turn affected them economically. These limitations came from the fear of a repeated war due to the fact that there was still much conflict occurring within the country because of matters of freed slaves and other things. 3. Discuss how southern whites reacted to the emancipation of blacks during the period of Reconstruction. After the emancipation of blacks during the period of Reconstruction, southern whites had responses of both fear and anger. They could not imagine their world without slaves in bondage, often they felt it a hassle doing chores they normally didn’t do. This lead to the feelings of anger, due to their dependency on the slave labor they were now confused and society needed to adapt in order to function once again. In some cases though the slaves had become a part of the home and the white people would miss them as a family member, often times distraught. Aside from these things, a majority of whites began to be fearful of legal intermarriage, dreading the fact that the pure white race would be destroyed. 4. Discuss President Johnson’s plan for reconstruction and Congress’s response to that plan. President Johnson’s plan for reconstruction was simply to pardon and restore all the rights of property to any former Confederate who swore allegiance to the Constitution and the Union. With this he believed he had successfully reconstructed the south and did not do much more. With this they looked to ratify the thirteenth amendment to abolish slavery. With this plan all southern states completed the Reconstruction plan and then sent representatives to the Congress that occurred in December 1865. Congress refused to seat these new senators and a large controversy out broke. 5. Describe the general attitude of the Union soldiers stationed in the South during Reconstruction toward blacks. Support your answer by citing specific incidents that occurred during that period. The attitude of the Union soldiers stationed in the South during Reconstruction towards the blacks was quite in different. They just worked to keep them in control and try to transition them from slavery to freedom. In many cases they would treat them as inferior but as well never got as bad as their former masters. They were just making attempts to help the society function. Whether they were successful is a different story. But they tried and eventually had the communities put together like a white community. 6. Discuss Congress’s plan for reconstruction and explain what Congress hoped to achieve as a result of that plan. Congress’s plan for reconstruction mainly revolved around completely freeing the black communities. They created the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to protect the black community and restricted the power of the executive branch. They were making decision that would benefit them in the long run. They would gain the black vote and be capable of gaining more power. So they limited the power of the former Confederates and attempted to have everything in their favor. 7. Discuss the economic conditions of poor blacks and poor whites during the period of Reconstruction. The economic conditions of poor blacks as well as whites differed. They both struggled financially due to crop shortages and other such things. However the blacks also were being aided by the Bureau of Freedom. They northern financed organization was created in order to help newly freed blacks to get on their feet. They helped them financially and helped with education. However they also in a sense forced blacks to accept low paying jobs when they didn’t want to. Even with this though they helped to get the blacks going in society. 8. Was the Republican administration that controlled the southern state governments during the period of Reconstruction a success or failure? The Republican administration that controlled the southern state governments during the period of Reconstruction was more of a success than it was a failure. They were able to stabilize the south in this time. They eliminated undemocratic features from prewar state constitutions as well as provided a universal male suffrage. They even loosened the requirements for holding office. They reconstructed the South financially and physically by overhauling tax systems and approving generous railroad and other capital investment bonds. With these accomplishments as well they set up a public school system in the south and stabilized it quite well. 9. Discuss the methods by which conservative white Democrats regained control of the southern state governments at the end of Reconstruction. The methods by which conservative white Democrats regained control of the southern state governments were very passive. They came in when the Republican Party had already begun to fail and economic problems began to surface. The Democrats began to discuss the new Grant scandals, unemployment and public works projects. To add to that they also discussed the currency and tariffs in order to show important issues. Discussion of these matters showed an interest in the country whether it was there or not and allowed the Democrats to win the popular vote.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Marketing Best Buy Case Essay
Dual branding – the association of two or more already well recognized trademarks in a synergistic retail setting designed to benefit each – is one of the fastest growing areas in franchising. Dual Branding has become a rage in the marketing arena, with companies realizing that isolation is not after all the best policy. Dual Branding is quite beneficial such that: Many line extensions capitalize on a partner’s brand equity. Brand extension success rates are maximized in the new market when co-branded with the reputed brand that has established in that market. Co-branding may help usage extension. Image reinforcement may take place due to co-branding. Loyalty programs increasingly include co-branding arrangements. The corporations are sharing the cost of loyalty programs; hence, the promotional costs to the companies are coming down. Co-branding signals a trade marketing operation. Capitalizing on the synergies among a number of brands is yet another advantage of co-branding. (blog, 2007) There are some disadvantages such as: -Brand Cannibalization -Difficult to manage two different brands, due to splitting in Ad spend. -Possibility of blurring brand identity in the eyes of the consumer. -Duplication of roles of the corporates. (Kumar, 2012) Some examples of dual branding are: Toyota and Lexus. The Toyota brand will introduce Safety Connect on select Toyota models, helping to bring its drivers an added peace of mind. Lexus will introduce Lexus Enform with Safety Connect, a service built on the foundation of valuable safety and security services with the added layer of more convenience-oriented features and specialized advanced technologies. (Group, 2010) Best Buy and Future Shop. Best Buy Co. is the largest consumer electronics retailer in Canada. It just happens that most of its sales are coming from its Future Shop business. A couple of years back, when it acquired Future Shop for $377 million, it was assumed the parent company would re-brand the 91 stores it purchased under the Best Buy banner, reports the Pioneer Press. Instead, Best Buy decided to forego conventional wisdom and operate the two competing divisions separately and in at least one case, putting stores directly across the street from one another. (Anderson, 2003) What did Best Buy learn from its experience with dual brand strategy in Canada? Even though it was a new experience for the Best Buy International team to implement a dual- brand strategy it was the perfect opportunity to implement such strategy due to the situation in the Canadian market. In Canada, there was only one big player which was Future shop with only had 15% share; therefore they knew there was a space for a second major player. The most important thing they learned is to be aware that markets often have different ways of being approached. In this case, they learned it from the dual-brand strategy they used because both stores; Best Buy and Future Shop offered different consumer experiences. Best Buy is characterized by â€Å"higher propensity towards self- service; non-commissioned sales staff; greater assortment of ready- made electronics packages; wider aisles and more interactive displays; higher ratio of female customers, seeking to integrate products into their lifestyles; customers with higher incomes and higher levels of education†. Meanwhile Future shop wants to show â€Å"commissioned sales staff guiding the customer by providing customized, trusted and personalized approach; tech savvy, early adopters looking for the best deal; customer base more diverse†. What they learned is that consumers behave differently, therefore implementing dual- brand strategy in Canada is a good way to increase profit (almost double profit in only a year) but it is also important to keep in mind that not all markets behave the same way, so it is best to study them first before implementing any strategy. How does the Best Buy situation in China differ from its situation in Canada? The costumers and the market were totally different, for example in Canada they had one big competitor which end up being part of the best buy family even though they keep the name of â€Å"future shop†, at the end in Canada both companies handle very good the market because both were profitable. In china the costumers were not easy to convince to buy stuff in general and also when they buy the profit margins were too low, and if this wasn’t difficult enough, best but had to deal with a competence of 4 more companies that in total just shore 20% of the market, being the only foreign company making them lose some market segment. One of the main information that Best Buy found was that the Chinese consumers care more about the characteristics of the product rather than the brand, so in order to deal with this new preferences they decide to distributed different their first local in Shanghai, the products were assorted by categories, not by brands. (Miller) Does a dual-brand strategy provide Best Buy with a core competitive advantage as it expands into new global markets? We believe it does, because when they buy an existing company, they start learning from another approach, an inner vision about the local market they are about to invest in, then they end up being a more profitable alliance because when Best Buy enters in the market it start stealing costumers for all the companies, even the one who has an alliance with, and it end up with a bigger market share, the proportion depends of how successful is the entrance strategy. It also helps the image of the local brand in order to support the other in the early days, later when both are profitable they can manage the prices easier in order to avoid cannibalization. (Miller) Product analysis. IPHONE 5. ATTRIBUTES. â€Å"A remarkably slim design that still makes room for a larger display and a faster chip. Ultrafast wireless that doesn’t sacrifice battery life. And all-new headphones designed to sound great and fit comfortably. So much went into this iPhone.†â€Å"Thin, sleek, and very capable. It’s hard to believe a phone so thin could offer so many features: a larger display, a faster chip, the latest wireless technology, an 8MP iSight camera, and more. All in a beautiful aluminum body designed and made with an unprecedented level of precision. iPhone 5 measures a mere 7.6 millimeters thin and weighs just 112 grams.1That’s 18 percent thinner and 20 percent lighter than iPhone 4S. The only way to achieve a design like this is by relentlessly considering (and reconsidering) every single detail  including the details you don’t see.†More beautiful maps. Elements in Maps are vector based, so graphics and text are incredibly detailed and panning is smooth. Use the tilt and rotate gestures to view an area, and Maps keeps the names of streets and places where they belong. Turn-by-turn navigation. When approaching a turn, Maps speaks the directions, so you can watch the road. Follow along with 3D views: Signs and arrows make it easy to see where you’re headed. And if traffic’s bad, Maps offers alternative routes. Traffic info. Maps uses real-time traffic conditions to calculate your ETA. It is easy to get details about incidents that are causing traffic jams, so people can tell if there’s a major accident ahead or just a temporary slowdown. Flyover. See the world from a whole new perspective with photo-realistic and interactive 3D views of select major metro areas. Explore like never before as you zoom, pan, and rotate around a city and its landmarks. Video calls on tap. FaceTime works right out of the box  no need to set up a special account or screen name. And using it is as easy as it gets. Better call clarity. Built-in microphones work together to provide clearer sound and reduce background noise. (group A. ) BRANDING STRATEGY â€Å"It may be apple season (with a small â€Å"a†) in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but globally it’s Apple season (with a capital â€Å"A†). That’s because today Apple will announce the new iPhone 5 in advance of its launch. And like every other Apple launch in recent memory there will be a flood of pre-orders and lines of eager consumers outside Apple stores as soon as it goes on sale. Why is that? Because unlike most companies, Apple actually launches its products.†We’re experiencing this right now with the launch of the new iPhone 5, as we have with the launch of most Apple products over the last decade. It’s not just the product or the price or place or the promotion that is causing the sensation. But it the skillful way in which all four of these elements are orchestrated in the launch strategy that makes the offer seamless and irresistible. By investing in building brand equity before the launch Apple doesn’t start from a position of consumer inertia. They do the heavy lifting in advance of launch date which makes take off seem so effortless. In fact, they make it look so easy we forget it’s marketing and simply accept it as a law of nature: Apple products sell. But this phenomenon is not unique to Apple. It’s available to any marketer whether you are selling pharmaceuticals or farm equipment. The key is early planning especially when online networking (a.k.a. social media) is part of your launch strategy.†(Duffy, 2012) The huge promise of the Apple brand, of course presents Apple with an enormous challenge to live up to. The innovative, beautifully-designed, highly ergonomic, and technology-leading products which Apple delivers are not only designed to match the brand promise, but are fundamental to keeping it. The recent emphasis on the iPhone 5’s manufacturing build quality and design standards reflect this importance. Apple fully understands that all aspects of the customer experience are important and that all brand touch-points must reinforce the Apple brand. Apple has expanded and improved its distribution capabilities by opening its own retail stores in key cities around the world in up-market, quality shopping venues. Apple provides Apple Mac-expert retail floor staff to selected resellers’ stores (such as Australian department store David Jones); it has entered into strategic alliances with other companies to co-brand or distribute Apple’s products and services (for example, HP who was selling a co-branded form of iPod and pre-loading iTunes onto consumer PCs and laptops in the mid-2000s – though in retrospect this may now just have been a stepping-stone). Apple has also increased the accessibility of iPods through various resellers that do not currently carry Apple Macintosh systems, and has increased the reach of its online stores. From a brand architecture viewpoint, the company maintains a â€Å"monolithic†brand identity – everything being associated with the Apple name, even when investing strongly in the Apple iPod and Apple iTunes products. Apple’s current line-up of product families includes not just the iPod and iTunes, but iMac, iBook, iLife, iWork, iPhone, iPad, and now iCloud. However, even though marketing investments around iPod are substantial, Apple has not established an â€Å"i†brand. While the â€Å"i†prefix is used only for consumer products, it is not used for a large number of Apple’s consumer products (eg Mac mini, MacBook, Apple TV, Airport Extreme, Safari, QuickTime, and Mighty Mouse). (group, 2013) When we see the packaging we already know what the content is going to be and what company produces it, it has a picture and the name of the phone at the very front and on the side respectively and also the apple that represents the company on another side of it. The first impression when we look at the packaging of the iphone 5 is how practical, modern, cute and easy to carry is. This small box comes in black or white, it is covered with a thin, see-through plastic bag. It is very small; it can almost fit in our pockets. The secondary packaging, the one inside the cardboard box is made of plastic, to protect the contents inside: the charger, the usb cable and the headphones. The labels are also inside the box; it brings a manual with all the instructions, very reliable and easy to understand. The labeling presents all the information of the product, from where it was made, assembled and it shows how to use the product and the steps to follow before turning it on. (Group B. i., 2013) Since Apple has become such important and recognized brand, known for its reliable and good quality products, we can not only say apple has standardized their products to clients but we can also say the client has standardized to apple, in this case to the iphone 5. Clients in many countries have adopted the iphone 5 and it is due to the many functions it offers, one basic function in order to be adopted by consumers is changing the language of the phone. But one thing that makes apple very special is its apps. From the phone you can download applications that are very useful wherever you are. For example ‘Maps’, if you are here in Colombia, it will be useful but it will also be useful if you are in China. Anyone can download any app they want, and apple offers a lot of apps that are useful, some more than others, depending on the country.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Tensions Of The Civil War - 988 Words
The tensions of the Civil War are very much still alive in the Southern United States one hundred and fifty years after the Confederacy surrendered to Union forces to end the war. While the tensions may have mitigated away from full-fledged war between North and South, there still remain tensions along racial and cultural lines well beyond the war. In Tony Horwitz’s Confederates in the Attic these long standing tensions left over from the war are delved into by Horwitz as he makes his way across the south to see how the old Confederacy is viewed in the modern world of the United States. What Horwitz found was a dualistic society differing views on the Confederacy and the events of the Civil War. Dualities left from the war in aspects such as racial tensions, the meaning of the Confederate flag even between North and South entirely. Those living in the South can be seen holding a resonating connection to the Civil War. It becomes clear in Confederates in the Attic the Civil War not only became the catalyst of such dualities in Southern society, but still further shape and perpetuate these dualities long after the Civil Wars conclusion. The battle flag of the Confederacy often referred to as the â€Å"rebel cross†was held in varying opinions through out Horwitz’s journey throughout the South. The dualistic nature of the flag was caught between two very distinct and different opinions of what it represented. The first being the view of pride in the ancestors who fought for theirShow MoreRelatedThe Tensions Caused By The Civil War908 Words  | 4 PagesThe tensions caused by the Civil War are very still alive in the Southern United States one hundred and fifty years after the Confederacy surrendered to Union forces. While tensions may have mitigated away from full-fledged conflict, there still remain tension along racial and cultural lines shaped by the war. 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