Thursday, September 3, 2020
Article is Strengthening Frontline Nurse Investment in Organizational
Is Strengthening Frontline Nurse Investment in Organizational Goals - Article Example (2012) talks about the changing idea of human services in the nation, and how the motivating forces are connected with the better execution and cost control. So as to stay beneficial and be qualified for get better repayment subsidizing, human services associations need to center at defining explicit objectives and accomplish them so as to convey to and continue remarkable help quality for the patients. The creators, along these lines, contend this has changed into the defining up of explicit objectives for the forefront staff and how responsibility just as different components can contribute towards the advancement of increasingly drew in nursing staff to accomplish generally speaking hierarchical objectives. The paper talks about how an individual degree of responsibility can in reality further the job of medical attendants and make them significant partners in accomplishing the general targets for the firm. Study of the Paper The title of the paper recommends that it is about the guidance with respect to reinforcing the job of a forefront nursing interest in authoritative objectives. Be that as it may, it examines the job of commitment just as responsibility of the medical attendants in the evolving situation. The general subject of the article depends on the progressions occurring at the large scale level and how associations need to react to that evolving circumstance. ... The general bearing and reason for the paper is by all accounts established into the supposition that a more prominent degree of responsibility can really prompt a superior authoritative exhibition. Creators contend that it is very significant really to characterize cutting edge responsibility and afterward screen the advancement so as to learn how the bleeding edge staff is performing. Creators further propose that raising the individual stakes of the bleeding edge medical caretakers and helping them to take greater responsibility can prompt a superior generally speaking result for the associations. This changing job of medical caretakers has been seen from the point of view of the large scale level changes occurring at the legislative just as the mechanical wide level. Creators have harped on the changing job of medical caretakers and how significant they are for accomplishing money related objectives for the associations from the point of view of these changes (Marshall, 2011). Wh ile examining the writing about the responsibility, writers appear to divert from the genuine reason and subject of the article. The writing audit traces the job of responsibility in nursing and how individual just as association level responsibility fits into the general job of medical caretakers. In spite of the fact that the issue of responsibility might be pertinent somewhat, in any case, it may not be totally applicable to the general topic of the article. Creators neglect to coordinate the realities about how associations set objectives and how such objectives are changed into noteworthy advances which cutting edge nursing staff needs to take. Despite the fact that individual responsibility assumes a more noteworthy job in the vocation of medical attendants since they not just need to follow their own person
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Abbreviations for Common Business Degrees
Shortened forms for Common Business Degrees Business degree shortened forms at times fluctuate from school to class, however most instructive establishments utilize a standard configuration. The issue is that there are a variety of truncations such huge numbers of that it very well may be difficult to make sense of what they all rely on. It can likewise be befuddling when two business degree shortened forms are fundamentally the same as, for example, the EMS (Executive Master of Science)â and EMSM (Executive Master of Science in Management). Four year certifications Four year certifications are college degrees. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree has to a greater degree an expansive spotlight on aesthetic sciences, while the Bachelor of Science (BS) has all the more a firmly engaged educational plan. The most widely recognized business-related four year certifications include: BA: Bachelor of ArtsBBA: Bachelor of Business Administration BPA: Bachelor of Public AdministrationBS: Bachelor of ScienceBSB: Bachelor of Science in BusinessBSBA: Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationBSc CIS: Bachelor of Computer Information Systems ExecutiveDegrees In the business field, official degree programs are regularly planned forâ working business experts who need to propel their insight as a rule (business organization) or in a specific territory of business, for example, open organization, the executives, or tax assessment. Albeit numerous understudies in official degree programs are real administrators, not all understudies work in an administrative limit; a few understudies just have official potential. The most normal official degrees include: EMBA: Executive MBAEMIB: Executive Master if International BusinessEMPA: Executive Master of Public AdministrationEMS: Executive Master of ScienceEMSM: Executive Master of Science in ManagementEMSMOT: Executive Master of Science in Management of TechnologyEMST: Executive Master of Science in TaxationGEMBA: Global Executive Master of Business Administration Graduate degrees An experts degree is an alumni level degree that is earned in the wake of finishing undergrad level training. There are many specific bosses degrees in the business field. The most widely recognized include: IMBA: International MBAMAcc: Master of AccountancyMAIS: Master of Accounting and Information SystemsMBA: Master of Business Administration MBE: Master of Business EducationMBI: Master of Business InformaticsMBS: Master of Business StudiesMFA: Master of Fine ArtsMHR: Master of Human ResourcesMHRM: Master of Human Resources ManagementMIA: Master of International AffairsMIAS: Master of International and Area StudiesMIB: Master of International BusinessMIM: Master of International ManagementMIS: Master of Information SystemsMISM: Master of Information Systems ManagementMMIS: Master of Management Information SystemsMMR: Master of Marketing ResearchMMS: Master of Management ScienceMNO: Master of Nonprofit OrganizationsMOD: Master of Science in Organizational DevelopmentMPA: Master of Public AdministrationMPAcc: Master of Professional AccountingMPIA: Master of Public and International AffairsMPL: Master of PlanningMPP: Master of Public PolicyMRED: Master of Real Estate DevelopmentMTAX: Ma ster of Taxation Ace of Science Degrees Ace of Science degrees, otherwise called MS degrees, are graduate-level degrees with a firmly engaged track of study in a specific territory, for example, bookkeeping, money, the executives, tax collection, or land. The most widely recognized Master of Science degrees in the business field include: MSA: Master of Science in Accountancy (or Accounting)MSAIS: Master of Science in Accountancy Information SystemsMSAT: Master of Science in Accountancy, TaxationMSB: Master of Science in BusinessMSBA: Master of Science in Business AdministrationMSF: Master of Science in FinanceMSFA: Master of Science in Financial AnalysisMSFS: Master of Science in Foreign ServicesMSGFA: Master of Science in Global Financial AnalysisMSIB: Master of Science in International BusinessMSIM: Master of Science in Industrial ManagementMSIS: Master of Science in Information SystemsMSITM: Master of Science in Information Technology ManagementMSM: Master of Science in ManagementMSMOT: Master of Science in Management of TechnologyMSOD: Master of Science in Organization DevelopmentMSRE: Master of Science in Real EstateMST: Master of Science in Taxation Special cases to Standard Degree Abbreviations Albeit most business colleges utilize the truncations above, there are a few exemptions. For instance, Harvard University follows the convention of Latin degree namesâ for a portion of their undergrad and advanced educations, which implies that theâ degree shortenings look in reverse contrasted with what huge numbers of us are accustomed to finding in the U.S. Here are a couple of models: Stomach muscle: This is the name for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. Stomach muscle represents artium baccalaureus.SB: This is the name for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree. SB represents scientiae baccalaureus.AM: This is what could be compared to the Master of Arts (MA) degree. AM represents artium magister.SM: This is what could be compared to the Master of Science (MS) certificate. SM represents scientiae magister.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critique of the article Overpopulation threatens the environment Essay
Scrutinize of the article Overpopulation undermines nature - Essay Example The creator brings to fore a grave issue that faces the cutting edge world today, by observing it in an alternate point of view. He focuses to the way that so as to continue the earth, people need to control the birthrates and make quick move with the goal that the earth is secured for every single living being, including people to endure. As per him, the best way to accomplish this goal is to abstain from creating more youngsters and he considers vasectomy as an honorable crucial the advanced man, despite the present circumstance. The article, distributed in the Opposing Viewpoints Series by Green Haven Press, manages the issue that over populace of the earth by the human species has a great deal of â€Å"far-coming to and overwhelmingly ruinous effects on numerous other creature and plant species†(Cascadia 22). The creator asserts that overpopulation decimates biodiversity on earth to such a degree, that it will get outlandish for life to continue on the planet over the lon g haul. The creator additionally contends that â€Å"The whole history of mankind is one of natural annihilation and the destruction of other species†(Cascadia 22). ... Human infringement of the earth, and the desperate outcomes that anticipate them due to over misuse of the assets, stays a subject of connecting with banters over the globe. In this situation, Cascadia endeavors to reemphasize this worry, in an offer to make his crowd take insight of the issue. The creator utilizes the proficiency gadgets of logos, poignancy, ethos and consistent misrepresentations just as measurable information, to put his point convincingly across to his crowd. The title itself, basic and exact, conveys the quintessence of the paper legitimately to the perusers. The creator at that point presents the subject, alluding to the effect of overpopulation and its exponential development, by alluding to the information of births and passings. In any significant accident such the Asian Tsunami or 9/11, the loss of life is considerably less than the birthrate in a day. By refering to insights, for example, this, the writer represents a rationale that controlling birth rate is a noteworthy worry for people so as to secure the condition whose assets are now over expended. The very rationale of the circumstance sufficiently persuades the perusers of the article about the gravity of the circumstance. Cascadia offers to the feelings of his crowd by alluding to chronicled setting of human movement to various scenes. By explicitly refering to the case of the â€Å"extinction of mega fauna†in North America as an outcome of human deluge in the territory more than 10,000 years back, the creator deftly outlines the effect unnecessary human fixation can have on the earth. Once more, the author’s adroitness in conveying the abstract components of sentiment and talk becomes clear when he alludes to the model
The Importance of Being Earnest Research Paper Example
The Importance of Being Earnest Research Paper Example The Importance of Being Earnest Paper The Importance of Being Earnest Paper when Algernon inquires as to why he has gone to the town. This shows he is untrustworthy in light of the fact that it shows he simply needs to have a ton of fun and have a good time. This statement likewise shows he is affluent and lavish on the grounds that he can clearly head out at whatever point he needs to and has the money to do as such. This connections back to the point that he is flighty supposing that he had the sole obligation of anything then he wouldnt simply have the option to go for instance in the event that he worked, at that point he would not simply have the option to find employment elsewhere. The word delight accentuates the point that the character Jack is well off, as he obviously has an extravagant way of life and the cash to bear the cost of joy. The expression what else ought to bring one anyplace? additionally recommends he is youthful and lighthearted on the grounds that he has no understanding that individuals probably won't travel for delight. He seems, by all accounts, to be living in his own little world and has no clue that others battle to discover the cash to endure and need to make a solid effort to do as such. This is a significant piece of Oscar Wildes message that the rich were very nai ve yet I will talk about this further later. Then again this statement could show he was simply unconstrained and continually searching for an experience. Rather than being paltry he is simply getting a charge out of the cash he has and benefiting as much as possible from his life. It would most likely rely upon the crowds sees on cash with respect to whether they considered Jack to be excessively indulgent or simply unconstrained. The possibility that he is flippant is really not a genuine character attribute, on the grounds that really Jack is very shrewd, and has duties since he is a gatekeeper in the nation, where he is known as Jack, to Cecily his ward. The past statement applies to this too in light of the fact that doesnt need Algernon to discover he has obligations as he may seem to be exhausting. While he is really heading out to the town for joy, he attempts to cover the reality he has a mystery life in the nation with what else ought to bring one anyplace? This goes about as a spread since Jack realizes that voyaging isnt consistently about joy however he attempts to fit in with Algernons degenerate way of life. At numerous focuses in the play Jack makes statements that make the characters he is conversing with accept he is somebody else. This is generally because of the reality he is attempting to conceal his falsehoods. There are focuses when Jack is demonstrated to be requesting. At the point when he goes to the town, in act one, he says to Algernon I basically need my cigarette case back. This demonstrates Jack to be requesting and maybe eager. The expression straightforward need suggests he is restless as this is the manner in which the line would be performed when in front of an audience. I envision that the line would be conveyed in a smart manner, and Jack would most likely look very irate or awkward. The line is short which would cause the crowd to accept that Jack is touchy and the word need adds to this. His interest is amiable yet the tone in the on-screen characters voice would part with that Jack was really baffled. In the discussion that is occurring, Algernon has perused the engraving on the cigarette case, which makes it clear that is has a place with Jack and is from Cecily. Algernon knows Jack as Ernest as this is the thing that Jack calls himself in the town. Algy additionally realizes the cigarette case has a place with Ernest so is befuddled by the engraving which conflicts with what he knows. The discussion excites doubt with Algy thus he begins addressing Jack (or Ernest as he is known to Algernon now). The statement connects to this in light of the fact that as opposed to having a touchiness, he could have seemed restless on the grounds that he was on edge about being discovered. The on-screen character could show this by being nervous and looking awkward with the circumstance. This bodes well since Jack is content with the manner in which he has two lives, one in the town and one in the nation and as no-body likes to be misled, Algernon and Jack would presumably wend up having a battle, and things would most likely need to change or Algernon would need to meet Cecily and everything would get confounding, so Jack didnt need him to discover. If so the word essentially would be Jack attempting to cover the reality he was extremely restless to recover his cigarette case without Algy finding the untruths and him attempting to sound as easygoing and quiet as could reasonably be expected. All through the play, he is cagey about the mysteries and until the end, there are still things being found. Oscar Wilde once in a while gives the characters lines that simply sparkle the thought with the crowd that they are lying. Toward the starting Jack says Eh? Shropshire? Indeed obviously! This gives Jack is lying about where he has been and where his home in the nation it since he sounds befuddled. He is reluctant in the first place, similar to he is uncertain of what he is discussing, despite the fact that, he ought certainly. The question marks show the entertainer would go up toward the finish of the words, to make it understood it is an inquiry. The entertainer would likewise most likely have a befuddled face, while he ponders what is being said. Jack in the wake of parting with somewhat that he was lying attempts to backpedal on himself, and spread it up by saying Yes, obviously, as though he knew from the start. This is an unobtrusive impact utilized by Wilde, which just triggers the inclination he is being deceptive with the crowd. Starting here they are then bound to get on different occasions when he is lying, which adds to the two his character and the storyline. Narcissistic is a word that could be utilized to depict huge numbers of the characters however Jack certainly has this trademark. Wilde makes all the characters egotistical and vain, which is a great deal of the motivation behind why the play is a parody. It adds to the funniness since they are just keen on their own lives, so wind up conflicting on the grounds that they can't comprehend others. Wilde demonstrates Jack to have this quality with the line It is excruciating for me to be compelled to talk reality. He doesnt acknowledge how much his lying may agitate individuals and hasnt contemplated the outcomes. All he needs is joy for him and this connections back to the point that he is requesting in light of the fact that he doesnt comprehend that others may have their own interests. He has been lying yet he doesnt consider how this will influence others exactly how excruciating it is for him. It seems as though he doesnt understand that the falsehoods may hurt others yet he comprehends that it isn't right since he is humiliated about letting them know. He doesnt need to concede he has lied since he enjoys the circumstance he is in despite the fact that it is tricky. At specific focuses he can be extremely deceptive. He says to Algernon my dear individual the sooner you surrender this senseless gibberish the better about his lying and having a twofold character. This is tricky in light of the fact that Jack additionally has another character and personality however this is the thing that he is telling Algy off for! The reality he considers it senseless hogwash shows that he perceives that what he is doing is somewhat inept and youthful however this doesnt influence his activities since he is profiting by having two personalities since he can escape things he doesnt need to do. Jack additionally gives off an impression of being sentimental all through the play. He cherishes Gwendolen and need intrigue both her and her mom; who wont allow them to wed. In the principal demonstration he shows up sentimental when he concedes his adoration to Gwendolen. The character has the line, I have never cherished anybody on the planet aside from you. He sounds extremely enchanting and this line is probably going to amaze and intrigue Gwendolen. In front of an audience this would likely be a serious and enthusiastic scene. Gwendolen and Jack are having this mystery discussion while Lady Bracknell (Gwendolens mother), is in the other room, so it could be very hurried or panicky. Later in act one he calls her My own dear which shows he is friendly, however conceivable somewhat possessive. The reality he calls her sweetheart shows he is warm and venerating of her since it is a natural pet-name. He says my own which is the part that makes him sound possessive since it seems like she is a belonging; an item instead of a lady. This could mean the character is controlling and perhaps tenacious. He needs others to know Gwendolen is with him and it could be pride or it could be desire and control. Towards the finish of the play, in act 3, Gwendolen says I am locked in to be hitched to Mr. Worthing. This statement makes Jack (Mr. Worthing) has all the earmarks of being sentimental on the grounds that the couple have remained together through the activity in the play up until now, despite the fact that they have had resistance. They are as yet genuine about one another, and love each other despite the fact that their relationship was disapproved of and tested by the profoundly regarded Lady Bracknell. She was a serious savage character so it makes it almost certain that Jack and Gwendolen are really enamored, in light of the fact that they are in an informal and nonstandard relationship (as a result of the manner in which they got together), thus ought to most likely not be together however even with Lady Bracknell compelling them to separate they havent. Their relationship is irregular in light of the fact that in that time, on the off chance that you needed to wed a lady you went to her folks first yet Jack didnt do this, he went directly to Gwendolen, which probably infuriated Lady Bracknell as she would have felt defensive towards Gwendolen. This demonstrates Jack is sentimental on the grounds that he should have truly adored Gwendolen, or if nothing else truly needed to be with her since Lady Bracknell was exceptionally ground-breaking and what he was doing, she objected to and could have likely taken care of. Anyway at long last Lady Bracknell intervenes, yet Jack despite everything fights by not permitting Cecily to wed Algernon, Lady Bracknells nephew. This shows a narrow minded side of Jack; he is halting somebody elses relationship since he cannot have his own specific manner. This connections back to the possibility that he was narcissistic provided that he was magnanimous than he would let Cecily and Algernon be together on the grounds that that would make them h
Friday, August 21, 2020
Transition temperatures in toughness Research Paper
Progress temperatures in strength - Research Paper Example This technique utilizes the deficiency size, just as highlights, constituent geometry, stacking situation and the substance property known as crack strength to ascertain the limit of a constituent containing a shortcoming to contradict break (Metallurgical Society of AIME, 2005). Tests having regular extents yet divergent complete size bring into being different gauges for KI. This comes about on the grounds that the weight states bordering to the issue changes with the example thickness (B) fully expecting the broadness outperforming some basic estimation. When the expansiveness outperforms the basic estimation, the estimation of KI ends up being similarly unvarying and KIC , is an exact material resource which is known as the plane-strain break sturdiness. The alliance in the midst of stress quality, KI, and crack durability, KIC, is tantamount to the connection in the midst of weight and tractable weight. The pressure quality, KI, epitomizes the tallness of â€Å"pressure†at the highest point of the split, just as the crack unpleasantness, KIC, is the most extreme estimation of weight quality that a substance under exact conditions that is plane-strain, that a substance can shoulder up without burst. As the pressure quality factor gets to the KIC esteem, temperamental crack happens. Likewise with a substance’s other mechanized properties, KIC is normally detailed inside reference books, just as different sources (American Society for Testing and Materials, 2006).  When a substance with a crack is stacked in pressure, the materials develop plastic strains as the surrender pressure is outperformed in the region close to the break tip. Substance inside the break tip pressure field, found near an open surface, can mutilate digressively that is in the z-way of the portrayal since there can't exist any burdens standard to the open surface. The state of pressure is slanted to biaxial, just as the substance break in a particular flexible manner, wi th a 45o cut off lip being made at each open surface. This circumstance is known as â€Å"plane-stress moreover it happens in similarly fit bodies where the weight through the expansiveness can't vary altogether in light of the slim section (Metallurgical Society of AIME, 2005). Then again, substance away from the open surfaces of a nearly thick constituent isn't freed to contort digressively in light of the fact that the abutting material restrains it. The pressure circumstance under these conditions is slanted to triaxial moreover, there is zero strain at a 90-degree point to both the pressure pivot and the direction of break transmission when a substance is stacked in pressure. This structure is known as â€Å"plane-strain†and is organized inside thick plates. Underneath plane-strain conditions, substances carry on in a general sense, versatile pending the crack pressure showing up at and afterward quick break happens. Given that slight or no plastic distorting is notice d, this structure burst is alluded to as delicate breakage (Smith, Temenoff and Gall, 2009) . When completing a crack strength test, the most across the board test plans are the single outskirts indent twist (SENB), just as the reduced pressure (CT)
Friday, August 14, 2020
Mayors of NYC and London on Campus Today COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Mayors of NYC and London on Campus Today COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Today SIPA students have the opportunity to hear from the Mayors of both NYC and London. As part of the World Leaders Forum the following event is taking place today on campus. THINKING BIG New York and London: Heading Back to the Top Date: September 15, 2009 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Location: Rotunda, Low Memorial Library This program, featuring Mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York and Boris Johnson of London, is the keystone of a three-day conference in New York planned as the kickoff for continuing discussion between these two great cities. During the conference and beyond, invited participants will focus on major issues facing New York and London: the future of their financial sectors, the diversification of their economies, building and maintaining their capital plants, and expanding housing affordability. Presented by: The Center for Rethinking Development at the Manhattan Institute The Center for Urban Innovation at the Regional Plan Association The School of International and Public Affairs Global Mayors Forum Columbia University World Leaders Forum
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Good to Great, by Jim Collins - Free Essay Example
Good to Great: Critically Summarize In Good to Great, by Jim Collins, a number of distinctions are drawn between what distinguishes a good company from a great company. Utilising a research team to do systemic quantitative and qualitative research of thousands of companies, the books intention is to identify exactly how good companies become great and outperform other companies in their specific business sector progressively and consistently. His team underwent a rigorous process of constantly interrogating and questioning certain hypotheses in order to expunge the main themes and trends behind what makes a great company, and, using a series of colourful anecdotes and metaphors, attempts to highlight exactly what companies need to do in order to be great. He looks specifically at 11 companies that, in terms of outperforming their competitors on a consistent and regular basis, are great companies. It is a surprising set of choices, but based entirely on objective analys is based on growth rates and wealth in comparison to competing companies in a similar market. He looks at Abbott Laboratories, which outperformed other companies in a similar field at a rate of 4 to 1, Fannie Mae, which outperformed other companies at 7.56 to 1, Gillette at 7.39 to 1, Kimberly-Clark at 3.42 to 1, Kroger at 4.17 times the market, Nucor at 5.16, Phillip Norris at 7.06, Pitney Bowes at 7.16, Walgreens at 7.36, Wells Fargo at 3.99, and finally, Circuit City, which outperformed the market at a rate of 18.5 to 1. Thus, by distinguishing the great companies and analysing them in a systemic and rigorous way, Collins hoped to dissect exactly what patterns emerged and how these companies correlate in their business models and philosophies, reaching conclusions about how the company ends up not only being great, but also being consistently great over a period of decades. The book acts as a prequel to Jim Collins other book, Built to Last, which he touches on in this work. H e argues that a company that is solely built around the machinations of one, egotistic leader may boost revenues for a company temporarily, but that doesnt necessarily guarantee that the company itself is a great company. Although this is contentious, he argues that a great company can survive any number of changes to its personnel, because the people who work for the companies in question, are screened as the right people. There have been many instances of a company that has folded due to the resignation or (at times) the deliberate sabotage of a company prior to the departure of a big CEO. The companies that he distinguishes as great dont have leaders of this ilk, but instead have a complete business policy and strategy built around Jim Collins carefully and systemically accrued theories about how to make a company great and for it to remain so. In searching for this, he talks about Level 5 leaders, who, he argues, unlike the egotistical and self-serving bosses that tend to grab t he limelight, are modest, even shy individuals who rarely get the attention that they deserve or even want. He also talks about companies that have emerged from a crisis. Gillette, Fannie May, and Kimberly-Clark were previously seen as struggling companies but managed to change things by, Collins argues, a combination of great leadership, defined and logical goals, which Collins elaborates by using a number of metaphors involving the three circles, the hedgehog concept, and the flywheel. By using these metaphors, Collins manages to explain a complex business situation in the simplest of terms. The hedgehog concept is about looking for what the company is best at doing, and sticking to that in a disciplined way. The three intersecting circles are elaborated as follows: What you can be the best in the world at, What economic denominator best drives your economic engine, and finally, what you are deeply passionate about. When this is combined with other factors, such as the employment of the right people, the appropriate use of technology, and in working towards specific and achievable factors for success, Collins argues that the traditional difficulties associated with managing and making a great company dissipate. First, Collins argues that it is not simply the case that the people make a business successful, but more that the right people make a business successful. In it, he uses the example of the steel company, Nucor. With Nucor, the company spent a great deal of time hiring and firing the workers based on their abilities to produce steel, in the end whittling down the workforce and upping the wages, making Nucor one of the most prestigious steel companies to work for. Thus, the people themselves arent important, but the employment of the right people are. He extends this philosophy to leadership. He argues the case for something he terms the Level 5 leader. The Level 5 leader has a combination of specific traits that make them great. It exists in a hier archy of capabilities. Level 1 is being a highly competent individual. Level 2 is being a team player. Level 3 is being a competent manager. Level 4 is to be an effective leader. Fully developed Level 5 leaders combine all four levels, and more. The level 5 leader has the ability to be both selfless and ruthless, and gives him/herself entirely to making the company a success, with little regard for personal acclaim. He argues that a great leader is one who combines deep personal humility with intense professional will. He draws the example of Darwin Smith from Kimberly-Clark. He suggests that his selfless channelling of his ego and his ambition led to the creation of the Kimberly-Clark empire. Upon receiving the post of CEO in the failing company, Darwin Smith made the decision to sell the paper mills upon which Kimberly-Clark were solely dependent on, in order to branch out into the service sector. Collins argues that this courageous act, along with the hiring and firing of the rig ht people, who showed a total commitment to the company, epitomises what makes a Level 5 Leader. Indeed, most of the companies he turns to have had grave problems in the past and have emerged due to, Collins believes, the abilities of the CEOs of the companies. However, he makes the distinction between what makes a great CEO and what the standard media perceive as a great CEO. The CEOs of all of the companies listed are relatively unknown to the mainstream press. When the manager of Gillette was printed on the front of the New York Times holding a giant razor and looking like a Greek God, he had a heart attack and died instantly. Collins distinguishes these people from the traditional CEO because, he suggests, they retain a modesty, yet a steeliness and an iron resolve, coupled with a total commitment to the company they work for. He argues that enormous salaries and changing personnel seem relatively irrelevant because there is no correlation between high pay for executives, and su ccessful companies. In a world of executive egos and big-shots, the symbol of the CEO as a bastion of sensibility and self-deprecation, even shyness, seems incongruous, but Collins, through systemic analysis of these eleven companies, identifies each of the CEOs as, what he calls, Level 5 leaders. However, the term Level 5 leader remains vague, only pulled together by a series of fairly loose concepts about selflessness and virtue, combined with a ruthless and commanding commitment to the values of the company and of being a success. Collins also utilises another term, which he coins The Stockdale Paradox. It is simply a personality duality that occurs in the mindset of great companies, which focuses on first, a stark realisation of the problems in hand, with an, at times, brutal realisation that the company is doing something gravely wrong, and has to change radically in order to succeed in becoming great. Secondly, it is a stoicism and an unwavering faith in the companies eventual success. This is a powerful concept, and together, confidence and self-scrutiny combine to make a great company. However, this argument is not without its flaws, and the woolliness of the terminology is often to the detriment of Collins ideas. Arguably, anybody could see themselves as a level 5 leader, because conceptually, it remains very vague and dependent on personality and subjective reflection on a persons character traits. Also, the Stockdale Paradox could be equally attributed to companies that dont become successful, or indeed, remains vague enough to be attributed to almost anything. All of the other arguments Collins elaborates upon stem from this initial hiring and firing of the right people, until a skeleton stock of people who are totally committed to the company emerge, and subsequently form an integral part in the success of the company. Salaries, stock value, rate of growth and other tangible factors to determine a company remain a footnote when compared to the concept of hiring the right people. Unfortunately, Collins fails to distinguish exactly who the right people are. It can easily be argued that a company will try to hire the right person for the job, because it would be logical to do so. By bypassing tangible, solid statistical results for conjecture and certain, uneasily defined personality traits, the flaw in Collins argument so far becomes apparent. The book then focuses on how a company succeeds, and, he argues, this is dependent on looking starkly at the brutal facts, but never losing track of the goal in mind. Level 5 leaders embody this characteristic, because, as well as possessing a total, passionate commitment to the company, they are also self-deprecating and humble, and, whenever something with the company is wrong, they see themselves as personally accountable for the problem. Secondly, Collins talks in detail about what he calls The Hedgehog Concept. Drawing distinction between a hedgehog and a fox, he argues that w hile the fox scurries around, constantly and listlessly searching for a purpose, the hedgehog is defined by its concept. This is elaborated by his three intersecting circles, in which he suggests that a company needs to have a defined, solid, and simple aim in order to succeed and become a great company. The Hedgehog Concept is achieved when this aim is identified and can, he argues, take many years. The three circles state the following. The first concept is to define what the company can be the best in the world at. In this, the example of Wells Fargo is drawn upon to elaborate the metaphor. Wells Fargo is a financial services company, who faced great competition from other banks in the International sector. By identifying what the company could be best at, which was focussing purely on becoming the best bank in West America, the first objective of The Hedgehog Concept was achieved. Secondly, it is important for the company to remain profitable. Cashflow, Collins argues, is also a n important concept, and, the defined aim has to take this into account. Thirdly, the company has to determine exactly what it is passionate about. For instance, Collins argues that Wells Fargo, by identifying a goal, meant that the right people occupying the various roles were also deeply passionate about becoming the best in that particular market. He argues that, by facing up to their inability to be successful in certain fields, and by limiting the company aim to a single, easily identifiable trait, then the company was automatically driven by a passion to achieve that goal. Like Kimberly-Clarks selling of the paper mills that, until then provided a staple for the rest of the company, and by focussing instead entirely on becoming the best and most recognised producer of paper-based products in the Western world, that the company were no longer divided on a number of fronts, and that the raison detre of the company was subsequently restored, via the identification of the three ci rcles and of the fulfilment of The Hedgehog Concept. Thirdly, Collins talks about disciplined action, which again focuses on refining and boiling down the aims of the company into a tangible and easily identifiable goal, and achieving that goal in a systemic and procedural manner. In this section, he uses the metaphor of a flywheel. If the flywheel is constantly pushing in different directions, then the original intentions of the company are underwhelmed. He suggests that the so-called overnight success stories arent so much empires built in a day, but are instead due to the slow, systemic hard work and effort that was initially put into both establishing an easily identifiable and plausible goal for the company, and sticking to that goal persistently and succinctly. With this, Collins draws an analogy to an egg. The egg sits there, doing nothing for years and years, and nobody takes notice of the egg until it hatches, and suddenly it is seen as an overnight success. Also, the me taphor of the flywheel is used as the device that gathers momentum gradually over a period of years. He argues that the stock-market and its inherent short-termism doesnt necessarily equate to the impossibility of defining long-term goals in the company. Moreover, he believes that growth should occur naturally, and when feasible. He equates this to Walmart, and the gradual process of building a profitable set of stores, using distinct and achievable aims, and pushing consistently on the flywheel and allowing all personnel in the company to push in the right direction and with equal passion and veracity, were a hallmark of the astonishing success of the Walmart empire. Technology, he argues, in the great companies that Collins managed to distinguish from the other companies that remained merely good, is used primarily in order to achieve something else, and is never used as an end in itself. It is unfortunate, he suggests, that companies tend to utilise technology in the sense tha t it will offer them solutions to a problem that will remain afterwards. In a survey done of the 11 companies classified as great, Collins asked them what the five main contributory factors for their success were, and only one of the eleven companies even mentioned technology as a key factor in becoming successful. The success of a business depends on the implementation of the right technology at the right time. In order for the company to succeed, technology cannot simply be implemented, but must be used with a distinct purpose in mind. Pioneers, he argues, in various technologies, very rarely become great companies. On the contrary, many listless companies who jump in at the deep end of the technological pool end up sinking. So, Collins argues that technology is important for the success of the company, but only as a secondary means for promoting the primary aim, as identified by The Hedgehog Concept. In this section, Collins looks at Gillette, and at how they implemented Internet technology into their company, arguing that technology accelerates getting to the goal a company sets (or the glibly titled BHAG, an acronym for Big Hairy Audacious Goal) but doesnt actually define a purpose for the company. That is the job of the personnel of the company. Overall, Good to Great offers a few interesting glimpses into what makes a good company into a great company, and then has a sustained period of growth that can last for decades. The conceptual framework Collins draws from the months of painstaking research into the companies involved certainly cannot be criticised based on the rigour with which they got to their conclusions. However, the book remains problematic, insofar as it tends to cross the threshold between what is essentially a scientific, business studies manual, documenting with scientific and objective precision what exactly the quantifiable elements of what makes a company great, and a self-help book. The numerous concepts that are expounded and el aborated upon in grand, metaphorical detail dont exactly contain the specificity of what exactly makes a good company. For instance, as a primary means, Collins argues that the right people make the company great. Although this seems obvious, it fails to help or assist anybody trying to make their companies great themselves, simply because the concept behind it is too vague. Also, the level 5 leader, as being an embodiment of the characteristics of the previous four levels on the hierarchy, is also sweeping in its vagueness. Collins describes the level 5 leader as self-effacing, but also stern and resilient under pressure. Although some distinction is drawn between these companies with the level 5 leaders in charge, and other companies with egotistical leaders in charge, that tend to implode following the resignation of the leader, it fails to draw comparisons with companies that may have these kinds of level 5 leaders, or could certainly be described as such, but for some reason, s till fail to succeed. The analysis, by concentrating on a handful of companies in a qualitative analysis, drawing upon a single comparison company, fails to be convincing in its delivery. Although a great deal of analysis was done, the comparative analysis in the book remains insubstantial. The concepts that are sketched out in the book are nicely and elegantly drawn out with extended metaphors and examples, but, conceptually and terminologically, the book lacks a certain depth of analysis to prove the points. Also, the points made about employing the right people, and about having a level 5 leader fail to eschew the vagueness of a self-help manual. Overall, however flawed the book may be, the concepts elaborated upon in turn shed light upon and helps to purge the ghosts of certain myths about exactly what makes a great company great.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Are Four Kinds Of Assessments - 935 Words
There are four kinds of assessments. One initial assessment: A progress during which start to build up a picture of a leaner’s achievements, skills, previous learner, goals and learning needs. This will help to place learners in appropriate learning programmes. Assessment number two is diagnostic assessment: A detailed assessment of a learner’s existing skills and areas of need with respect to a particular subject area. Assessment number three is formative assessment; this is an ongoing assessment of what process and learning is taking place during a course. The last one is summative assessment; this usually occurs at the end of a programme, topic, unit or full qualification. The assessment types are different from assessment methods. A†¦show more content†¦The areas for development about this assessment is we need to keep the group focused and set a time limit; some learner may not get involved, others may take over. For example in a small group there are five learners: three teenagers, one middle aged and one sixties. When the teacher asks a question the teenagers always answer and the other two are always quiet and they let the teenagers talk. So they don’t participate or attempt to answer any of the questions. They might think that younger learners know everything. Examination is a formal assessment. Learners can have books or notes with them, the cons are some learners may be anxious and may have been taught purely to pass expected questions. (Gravells, 2012). When planning an assessment, it has to be valid, reliable, fair and ethical. For example if I am going to assess a group of learners who is different age, religion or comes from a different country, I need to make sure that the assessment is appropriate to the qualification that is suitable for the group and available to all and differentiates for any particular needs like elder, deaf, etc. Assessment is the process by which
Monday, May 18, 2020
Importance Of Selling To Company - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 999 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/24 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? IMPORTANCE OF SELLING TO THE COMPANY The relationship that exists between CARI-MED Ltd. Sales and marketing department is close in that they are both under the control of the same individual Lanna Bennett. The two department are very different, but all with the same goal. Marketing plays a very important role in sales as an improvement in the selling environment. The goal of the marketing department is to create opportunities for interaction between prospect and the sales team. In gaining prospects promotional activities are undertaken by CARI-MED this includes advertising, sales promotion and offering new products. The marketing team is therefore responsible for bringing the customers ‘through the door’ to allow sales people to entice them to buy the products or products that CARI-MED has to offer. The primary responsibility of the sales is to supply to the customers the products desired by them at the right quality and price at the right place and time. The sales and marketing department of CARI-MED Ltd. aintains a good relationship with all departments that it comes in contact with. This includes all other marketing related departments as well as other functions like the Human Resource department, Finance, MIS/Logistics and so on. CARI-MED mission statement is to be a dynamic provider of quality healthcare and consumer products to meet the needs of consumers. Encourage the highest level of professionalism and ethical standards among their staff to ensure that their commitment to their motto â€Å"Service is our Goal†is realized. Maintain a family culture that provides a working environment conducive to teamwork, as well as the professional, personal and spiritual development of members of staff. Conduct the business of the organization to sustain profitability and responsible commercial success, while contributing to the development of the society in which they operate. The Company is led by a Board of Directors, Chairm an and Chief Executive Officer, Glen Christian who is also the founder. He is supported by the General Manager Denis Grant. Six departments report to the General Manager, Finance- MR. Grant, Sales and Marketing- Lanna Bennet, MIS/Logistics, Human Resource- Mrs. Stewart-Gordon, Distribution and Customer Service. CARI-MED was incorporated in 1985 and has become the leading distributor of pharmaceuticals and fast moving consumer goods. This includes a wide range of ethical and OTC drugs, diagnostic reagents, Medical equipment and strong portfolio on health and beauty aid products. In 1996 CARI-MED ltd diversified its operations with the distribution of consumer brands. CARI-MED has become the leading distributor of personal care and household products in Jamaica for e. . CARI-MED antiseptic mouthwash, Lysol, Gillette, Wrigley’s and many more. Thy have also distributed food lines such as juices, teas, spring water, confectionery and nutritionals. CARI-MED’s competitors include H. D. Hopwood, Grace Kennedy Ltd. , T. Geddes Grant, Chas E. Ramson, World Brand Services Ltd. , Wisynco Group and Lasco Distributors. CARI-MED has many competitive advantages has over its competitors. Pricing is an advantage where distributor – supplier agreements are made which allows for special pricing; Access to a wide range of products. This variety spans from instrumental equipment for general applications and also for specialized area including obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, physiotherapy, pediatrics and so on. CARI-MED also provides special sourcing where necessary as well as providing consumer household products; they maintain a competitive advantage in the pharmaceutical and consumer industries by excelling at service delivery. Upon entry into both business areas, CARI-MED quickly established standards of customer care and quality that set the company apart as a clear leader among the many other companies. The customer focus approach is strengthe ned by an in-depth knowledge of customer behavior which enables CARI-MED Ltd. not only to address current concerns but to take preemptive action when necessary; After Sales Support is another competitive advantage. This includes warranty, user training, optional service contract, services of in house biomedical technician (trained by supplier), access to supplier technician if needed and access to spare or replacement parts; and the last competitive advantage includes staff turnover. CARI-MED has an employee population of over 300 persons and a staff turnover currently standing at 0. 9%. CARI-MED’s general approach to selling is a mixture of both consultative and low key. Low key because most of the customers will normally order stock with a mixture of the same product from all distributors. The consultative approach is used in instances where CARI-MED would consult with a customer where they have purchased a large quantity of a product or products and are interested in di scounts. They also have a consultative management style and a flat structure geared towards fast decision making, strong dedication to customer satisfaction through the expert delivery of high quality service, a result oriented approach to their business, a nurturing family environment and producing high performance teams. Sales Automation is used by CARI-MED to help their sales person in being successful sales professionals. CARI-MED’s sales representatives have recently started to use a hand held wireless sales tool called mobile sales force (MSF). The MSF is used to take orders, enter documentation for goods being returned by a customer, check stock on hand at the warehouse, check prices and many other functions. They do not have a customer relationship management system. CARI-MED does use key account management. Key account managers have years of experience working in the sales department. This individual is usually a sales representative who have sold to large individual accounts or some chain store accounts and is consistently made or exceeded his/her sales quota. The best person to manage the key accounts must have supervisory or organizational skills as they will be responsible for managing a few representatives as a key account manager. A strategic alliance was developed with KIRK Distributors formerly known as Colgate Jamaica Ltd.. KIRK Distributors is a sister company to CARI-MED Ltd. , they are also involved in the consumer goods distribution business. These are normally sold by CARI-MED to smaller accounts (pharmacies, gas stations, etc. ). This helps KIRK to get a wider customer base and should help increase CARI-MED’s revenue. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance Of Selling To Company" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of As I Lay Dying - 1086 Words
William Faulkner’s novel As I Lay Dying follows the Bundren family on their trek along the countryside to bury Addie, the matriarch of the family. Through Faulkner’s usage of internal monologue, each character reveals a different aspect of their personality. One of the most noticeably erratic viewpoints in the novel is that of the youngest Bundren, Vardaman, whose stream-of-consciousness is so volatile that it raises debates on whether or not he is suffering from psychological illnesses. Some argue against this fact, claiming that his irregular thoughts are due to his youth and inability to fully comprehend the situation happening around him. However, Vardaman’s sense of unreality when assigning human to animal relationships within the novel reveals signs of Neurotic Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Psychosis. Vardaman does suffer from other psychological issues besides being young. Vardaman exhibits signs of a Neurotic disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The â€Å"Pure O,†or the obsession aspect of the disorder, is characterized by â€Å"recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images†(WebMD). A key component of Pure O is rumination, which involves dwelling about certain themes. For Vardaman, he is infatuated with the idea that Addie is a fish. He constantly dehumanizes Addie into a fish, which is seen in the bridge scene. When witnessing the fall of the coffin into the river, Vardaman does not describe the coffin falling but instead describes a fish that isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 1528 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst-person, second-person, and third-person point of views. Either of the foregoing points of views have different effect on the understanding and believability of the characters or the story being told, as is evident from O Pioneers! and As I Lay Dying novels. As I lay dying is a narrative by William Faulkner who uses multiple narrators and different techniques to convey a message from different points of view. Through the narratives of the fifteen different characters in the novel, it is important to understandRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 1682 Words  | 7 PagesProfession of Poverty As Robert Kennedy once said, â€Å"I believe that, as long as there is plenty, poverty is evil†(Kennedy). Money and wealth contribute to the image a person presents. In a world based on standards such as those, the wealthy will seem to be superior to the poor and that almost never ends in a positive way. William Faulkner, author of As I Lay Dying, was aware of the effects of poverty and took the opportunity to use his characters to depict poverty s effects. The novel takes placeRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 1204 Words  | 5 PagesBlake Huston Kelly Hoffer Interpretation of Literature October 19th, 2015 Dewey Dell’s Uncontrollable Fate In William Faulkner’s novel, As I Lay Dying, the reader is encouraged to sympathize with Dewey Dell on account of her quickly waning life. We are given multiple circumstances in the book where Dewey Dell’s life is noticeably described in a negative way, not as a person, but rather how bad of a situation she is in. She is an impregnated seventeen-year-old girl who is unable to find proper treatmentRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying1497 Words  | 6 PagesAs I Lay Dying, is a novel about the death of Addie Bundren and the events that follow to her burial. The story is told through fifteen different perspectives over the course of fifty-nine narrative chapters. William Faulkner gives the reader insight into what each character is thinking and their reactions to the events taking place. Each member of the Bundren family holds their own secrets that they keep from one another. These secrets eventually distance each member from one another over the durationRead MoreAnalys is Of As I Lay Dying1599 Words  | 7 Pages by William Faulkner, As I lay Dying, the Bundren family suffers the loss of Addie Bundren a beloved wife and mother. In honoring Addie’s last wish, the Bundrens make the trip to Jefferson to bury her with her relatives. During the trip every thing that could go wrong does. This story is told from plentiful points of view and reveals the completely unstable psychological state of the Bundren family. Through a psychoanalytical approach of William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, readers will see that FaulknerRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 1738 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Silence As I Lay Dying, is a novel written by William Cuthbert Faulkner, where a poor southern family named the Burdens set off on a journey through 1920’s Mississippi to bury their recently deceased mother Addie Bundren. Before, Addie Bundren passes away she makes her husband Anse promise to bury her in her hometown of Jefferson, Mississippi. This is a large task as the Burden family is located in Yoknapatawhpha County, Mississippi and they must make the rough journey to give theirRead MoreAnalysis Of As I Lay Dying 944 Words  | 4 PagesFaulkner’s Description of Dewey Dell in As I Lay Dying William Faulkner’s phrasing, point of view, and grammar in his polyphonic novel, As I Lay Dying, strategically employs the miserably pessimistic yet juvenile voice of Dewey Dell to characterize her as the novel’s naà ¯ve victim. The only surviving female in the Bundren family, Faulkner presents the hardships that Dewey Dell must endure. In addition, as an uneducated gi rl with no guidance, Dewey Dell experiences an uncertainty in many issues thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Faulkner s As I Lay Dying 1441 Words  | 6 Pages In As I Lay Dying, with his unique and modern writing style, Faulkner and portrays the Bundrens’ struggle to deal with a death in the family. He shows how this dysfunctional family, caged in by societal norms and their individual emotional battle, ultimately falls into an abyss of unending hopelessness and despair. Throughout the Bundrens’ journey, Faulkner uses common archetypes in order to challenge his readers’ and society’s ingrained perceptions of families and suffering and to demonstrate howRead MoreAnalysis Of William Faulkners As I Lay Dying1840 Words  | 8 Pages â€Å"If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.†The psychology of humans can be expressed in two groups, stable or not. These two groups can be applied to a psychoanalytical approach of William Faulkner’s, As I lay Dying. In this story, the Bundren family suffers the loss of Addie Bundren a loved wife and mother. Anse and the rest of the family, honoring her last wish, make the trip to Jefferson to bury her with her relatives. During the trip every thing that couldRead MoreAnalysis Of William Faulkner s I Lay Dying 1486 Words  | 6 PagesOn the back of my edition of As I Lay Dying there is a quote from William Faulkner on the subject of his novel. The quote says: I set out deliberately to write a tour-de-force. Before I even put pen to paper and set down the first word I knew what the last word would be and almost where the last period would fall. The end result is a work of precision and care. Each word has been carefully chosen and carefully ordered to create his â€Å"tour-de-force†. This can be both a comfort and a frustration to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Identity Every Person is a Story Essay - 1050 Words
Identity is the concept of knowing yourself by following a lineage and other factors that make a person (Korfmacher, 25). In most cases of identification, individual is supposed to follow his or her background and affiliate with a group. In this case, a group can be family, tribe, nation, culture, and many others. As already mentioned, many people find it easy to identify with a group, but this is not the case of many people as well. Some individuals have struggled with what is commonly known as an identity crisis. There are many factors that have led to such unfamiliar cases, and the cases are unfamiliar because everybody is expected to affiliate with a group. The basic group a person can identify with is a family which gives an†¦show more content†¦A close-knit family is the strength of every individual, and family unity makes one stronger both psychologically and socially. And as said, nuclear family is everything as far as family matters are concerned. Nuclear family is the foundation of individual’s identity. The strength of the nuclear family makes one belong and feel loved. This concept is evident in Updike’s book â€Å"Separating†where Richard Maple and his wife, Joan Maple are facing a divorce. As a matter of family unity, the two are getting had to break the news to the family (Updike, 35). The family is facing a daunting task as they know the problem will severely affect their children, and the question is lingering in the head of Mr. and Mrs. The reaction of the children is the worry the couples are trying to anticipate. In trying to get to the bottom of the matter, the two finally break the news with the reaction not very pleasing. In this scenario, it can be deduced that parents’ decision in a nuclear family plays a crucial role in strengthening the bond. Children raised by both parents grow up healthy and mentally stable. As said in the begging, a person’s story highlights many things about his or her background which in this case is the family tree. It is a noble idea for one to know his or her family from the great grandparents to the current family. Family tree is followed in different ways, and the most notable way is the use of surname. Use of family name is very crucial because it hasShow MoreRelatedLost Names Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ True Identity There comes a point in time in an individual’s life in which their name truly becomes a part of their identity. A name is more than just a title to differentiate people; it is a part of the person. In Lost Names: Scenes from a Korean Boyhood by Richard E. Kim, names play a major role on the character’s identities. The absence and importance of the names in the story make the story rich with detail and identity through something as simple as the name of a character. Names are aRead MoreComparative Analysis Of The School Days Of An Indian Girl1235 Words  | 5 Pagesshows us a view of ethnic identity. By telling us how a little girl is in a home, away from her mother, while learning how to adapt to the new culture she’s in. In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, it shows us a different view of a man in another form of an ethnic identity. It shows us that the man is seen as a different person then who he really is, instead of a black man who isn’t seen as wh at he actually is. In Why I am A Pagan by Zitkala-sa, it used cultural identity by focusing on how the worldRead MoreDragon s Identity By Maxine Hong Kingston s 1976 The Woman Warrior1623 Words  | 7 PagesDragon’s identity Having two identities is like mastering the dragon ways. In Maxine Hong Kingston’s 1976 The Woman Warrior, she retells about her autobiography in a fictional way and greatly magnifies the art of storytelling. Maxine introduces with the story about her unknown aunt and then transitioning to her favorite story about a woman warrior, Fa Mu Lan. Then she explores about her mother’s past, sister, and interaction with herself. She truly connects every part of the story and createsRead MoreAlice In Wonderland Identity Crisis Essay1204 Words  | 5 PagesLewis Carroll Alice Adventures in Wonderland is a story that every child wanted to read in the Victorian Era. The education system of the Victorian Era limited the thoughts, speech and actions of individuals. People were the product of the Victorian society in which they were raised. Victorian novelists highlighted this in the books that they wrote. It contributed to the identity crisis of the Victorian Era in which chil dren were affected. Victorian society discourages the use of imagination. AliceRead MoreWhat is Identity?1232 Words  | 5 Pages The exact dictionary definition of identity is: â€Å"The fact of being who or what a person or thing is.†One cannot just have a single identity. Each and every person has a different identity for different situations. For example, a person may act differently in front of their grandmother then they would in front of their younger brother. In front of your grandmother you are more humble and polite, but in front of your younger brother you probably are more demanding and impertinent. This is justRead MoreAnalysis of The Raft1164 Words  | 5 PagesPeter Orner The short story †The Raft†is written by Peter Orner in 2000. The story is about a boy growing up, who becomes aware of life and death and the difference between good and evil. This analysis will focus on the main theme growing up, the narrator, and his relationship to the grandfather. â€Å"The Raft†is about a twelve-year-old boy, who visits his grandparents. The grandfather tells him a story that he has already heard several times, but this time the story is different. The grandfatherRead MoreThe Metamorphosis, By Bartleby, The Scrivener, And Orientation1577 Words  | 7 PagesThe Importance of Identity Identity plays an important role in a person’s life. It determines how a person lives, acts, communicates, and defines themselves in the world around them. During this semester, we have read a handful of short stories that have to do with an individual’s identity. Three of those stories include, â€Å"The Metamorphosis,†by Franz Kafka; â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener,†by Herman Melville; and â€Å"Orientation,†by Daniel Orozco. Each of these short stories gives examples of how yourRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Going Back Home 1000 Words  | 4 Pagesqualities differentiate them from others, and help form their identity. In the stories we have read in class, such as â€Å"Going Back Home†, written by Toyomi Igus and Michele Wood, â€Å"Nei Um Lung, Ma?†by May Yee, and â€Å"The Jade Peony†by Wayson Choy, the characters’ hobbies, beliefs, and family roots make them unique and interesting. Due to many factors, inclu ding different experiences in life, an individual develops many aspects in their identity that are different from others. Hobbies, which are adoptedRead MoreShooting An Elephant, By Alice Walker And Everyday Use1026 Words  | 5 PagesWe have different identities based on our cultural, ethnic, racial and religious differences. These identities will affect how we see ourselves since we might have different responsibilities, job duties and backgrounds. In the two literature stories â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†and â€Å"Everyday Use†, Alice Walker and George Orwell both show how identity is connected to how we see ourselves in the present. In the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†, the main character is a white policeman in British Burma. He receivedRead MoreSocial Construction Theory : The Product Of Society And History851 Words  | 4 PagesFall Term Essay 1 Social construction theory explains human behaviour and identities as the product of society and history (Vance 29). This theory is the opposite of biological determinism and essentialism which suggest that genetic, physiological, and biological traits determine human behaviour (Vance 29). As mentioned in lecture (Klement), identities are unique to every person; they are the values, norms, values, and images in society that are combined, constructed, or created. Societal pressures
Knowlege on Segway Free Essays
The Segway Personal Transporter (PT) represents the next generation in personal mobility, offering several advancements that make the ride even more intuitive and productive than ever before. Other examples of Segway Smart Motionâ„ ¢ technology and licensing of Segway Smart Motion technology to other third-party companies, demonstrate that Segway continues to challenge the assumptions and expand the boundaries of traditional transportation. For Consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Knowlege on Segway or any similar topic only for you Order Now You can choose between the versatile and sleek flagship model, the Segway i2 with lithium-ion batteries standard); the Segway x2, or six different fully equipped packages tailored to such uses as commuting and golf. The Segway i2 is a great way to enjoy the ride while commuting to work, running errands, or just traveling a short distance where a car is more hassle than it’s worth. The Segway x2 brings added versatility to your world, offering sturdy capability in rugged off-sidewalk terrains such as trails, bike paths or beachfronts. The Segway x2 Golf package is an innovative, fun and flexible way to play around. And remember, fun is engineered into every Segway PT we build! Go to our easy to use configurator to build your own Segway PT and decide which Segway PT may be best suited for you. Every Segway PT is engineered from the groundup for durability and reliable operation for years to come, and they all come standard with a one-year limited warranty. For Businesses Businesses worldwide have discovered the enhanced productivity and increased mobility inherent to the versatile, reliable and durable Segway i2. The Segway i2 has been developed to excel in speed, range, and maneuverability in varied environments. It comes standard with lithium-ion batteries for extended range of up to 24 miles on a single charge. Packages tailored to the needs of security and commercial customers are now available and an additional range of accessories can be added for true customization. Police and security agencies worldwide are using Segway products to patrol airports, transit stations, manufacturing facilities, shopping malls and campuses. Check out the versatile Segway i2 Police , optimized for policing needs with additional cargo and reflectivity options. For businesses operating in outdoor environments, the Segway x2 maximizes performance on diverse off-sidewalk terrain. This rugged version of our venerable Segway PT makes tackling rough terrain a breeze. Equipped with standard lithium-ion batteries and low-pressure tires. The Segway Robotic Mobility Platform (RMP) takes the performance and engineering prowess demonstrated in the Segway PT and makes it available in a durable package for robotics applications. How to cite Knowlege on Segway, Papers
Application of Social Contract to Legitimacy Theory in Accounting.
Question: Discuss about the Relevance and Application of Social Contract to Legitimacy Theory in Accounting. Answer: Introduction From last two decades, organization have progressively used their yearly reports to voluntarily report data indentifying with their social activities, especially showing their concern towards natural environment. Organizations are changing their disclosure policy, now they are showing social issue, environmental issue and political issue regarding the performance of the company. Legitimacy theory defined that organizations are bounded by social contract in which organization agrees to do social activities and in return they get authority to meet their objectives without any interference. Deegan (2002) explained that both the term legitimacy and legitimating are different. Legitimacy is the condition which exists when value of the organization is similar to the society whereas legitimation is the process because of which organization is able to view as a legitimate. In todays era, application of social contract to legitimacy theory in accounting plays an important role as it provide satisfaction that organizations actions are appropriate and desirable without harming the interest of the society. Legitimacy theory provides mechanism to understand voluntary disclosure made by the company. First, in this report we will discuss about ethical prospective and voluntarily disclosure of entity, then contract between entity and society in social contract, after that we will study how legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholder theory, institutional theory, and positive accounting theory. At last, summarizes with how to act legitimately for social contract. Relevance and Application of Legitimacy Theory In todays era, application of social contract to legitimacy theory in accounting plays an important role as it provide satisfaction that organizations actions are appropriate and desirable without harming the interest of the society: T Shank (2005). Business entity provides assurance to society that it is complying with the expectation of society. Social contract represents the expectation (implicit and explicit) of society about how business entity should perform its operations. In todays era it is very important to meet the need of the society. Organization have progressively used their yearly reports to voluntarily report data indentifying with their social activities, especially showing their concern towards natural environment. Organizations are changing their disclosure policy, now they are showing social issue, environmental issue and political issue regarding the performance of the company. Rankin, Voght (2000), used Legitimacy theory to show how disclosure regarding social i ssue in yearly report changed around the time. Gordon and Deegan (1996) concluded that increasing disclosure requirement has positive impact on organization. It improves the relationship between society and the organization. A business organization can select the audience which will become part of such disclosures. Media which is favored by business organization for disclosing social and environmental issue is the website of business entity, stand alone reports/ as part of yearly report of the organization. Ethical prospective and voluntarily disclosure of organization Intentional corporate social disclosure are literarily interceded talks which convey an "atmosphere of authenticity" are depended upon by pertinent public as portrayals of authoritative exercises, yields objectives as by large these are not promptly discernible. Voluntarily disclosure enrolls, reverberate enhance prevailing societal topics qualities. Organization influences and influenced by the society in which it perform its work. Traditional financial accounting is not useful because it focus on the information need of the shareholder; it avoids social and environmental disclosures. In todays era it is very important to meet the needs of the society: Saloman (2006) There should be triple bottom line reporting. Triple bottom line reporting considers the impact of social, environmental performance of an organization. Under legitimacy theory bounds and norms are not stringent, so organization needs to be responsive towards that. Patten (1992) explained that there is change in disclosure requirement of US oil mills which exists in Alaska. As per Legitimacy theory there is increase in the disclosure requirement of oil mills, which causes increase in overall disclosure requirement of the industry. Accounting disclosure is the strategy of the organization to manipulate the relationship the relationship of organization with society-ML Defnd (1998). Voluntarily public disclosure in annually report of the organization can be used to implement previous legitimating strategies of the organization. There can be two forms of voluntarily disclosure, one is substantive disclosure another is symbolic disclosure. In substantive disclosure actual changes in organization will be reflected whereas in symbolic disclosure actual changes will not be reflected, but they are made to aligned with social values and expectation of the society: Jo and Kim (2007). Various researchers examined the need of voluntarily disclosure which includes social and environmental disclosure. They also examined the changing pattern in disclosure requirement. To maintain legitimacy in the entity, it is beneficial to provide voluntarily disclosure of social and environmental issue in annual return: Botason (1997) As per ODonovan (1999), organization assumed that media give shape to the concern of the public and yearly report disclosure provides opportunity to the company to cover from negative media coverage. The relation between social contract and financial performance of the organization is very important. According to Oberman (2000), in late 1920, some organizations were doing voluntarily disclosure. Impact of voluntarily disclosure is very dynamic. One sole motive of voluntarily disclosure and ethical reporting is to bring transparency in the reporting system and society must be aware of organizations activities- Walsh (2003). Society has right to information about the organization. It is the duty of the entity to provide voluntarily disclosure regarding social responsibility (social and environmental) to the society. Rankin, Voght (2000), used Legitimacy theory to show how disclosure regarding social issue in yearly report changed around the time. Gordon and Deegan (1996) concluded that increasing disclosure requirement has positive impact on organization. It improves the relationship between society and the organization. Reporting by entity is assumed as a responsibility of entity rather than demand. There are 2 types of responsibility under accountability: one is to take action and another one is to provide a report on those actions which are undertaken by management of the entity. Voluntarily disclosure with financial disclosure helps the organization to get an edge in the market. It is also used to get support from society by fulfilling their demands. Voluntarily disclosure as the term says all, it is not compulsory for the organization to disclose social and environmental issue but if organization perform its function according to norms and by meeting the expectation of society, then definitely that entity will get an edge in the market- Burgstahler (1997). So, organization should perform its activities ethically by considering the need of the society. Sustainability reporting defines that how present activities of the organization are effecting abilities of future generation to fulfill their nee ds. If society wants sustainability reporting from organization then in this case sustainability reporting must be aligned with legitimacy theory to achieve the objective of organization effectively and efficiently. By providing information to the society regarding social, economic and environmental performance of the organization, it will build the trust among society- MH (1996) A great part of the interest for corporate social disclosure can be seen as the consequence of open yearning for data on which to base a supposition about regardless of whether a business organization "suitable" or "right and legitimate" that is , to assess the authenticity of business organization. In addition, a great part of the intentional social divulgence issued by enterprises which can be seen as endeavors at legitimating, that is endeavors to accomplish the status of authenticity" Most of the business organisation voluntarily discloses social information in their annual report. These voluntarily disclosures can take the form of management discussion in yearly reports of the organization or separate disclosure (For example: stand-alone, social, sustainability or environmental report). But the format and content of the stand alone, social, sustainable and environmental disclosure is not provided anywhere. Global reporting initiative which is also known as GRI came into existence in 1997. Global reporting initiative provides guidelines for reporting of social issue, environmental issue and political issue by business organization. The latest version (that is third) of Global reporting initiative was came into existence in 2003(which is known as G3)-Chung (1996). Because of this business organization provide reporting on social issues. The business organization will decide what they have to report, how they will report, and at what level, business organization wil l provide detail to the society regarding social issue. Information inductance is an example of voluntarily social disclosures. A business organization can select the audience which will become part of such disclosures. Media which is favored by business organization for disclosing social and environmental issue is the website of business entity, stand alone reports/ as part of yearly report of the organization. Contract between entity and society in social contract Thomas Hobbes introduces the theory of social contract. Social contract is a contract between which exists between business entity and society where business entity perform its operation. Under social contract two aspects are covered, one is explicit expectation of society from organization, another one is implicit expectation of society from organization. Implicit expectation can be defined as expectation of the society from the business entity, whereas explicit can be defined as legal requirement which organization have to fulfill to operate its business activities effectively and efficiently. Lindblom (1994) concluded that legitimacy theory based upon a notion that there should be social contract between society and organization. A social contract is a contract which defines implicit and explicit expectation of society from the organization. Explicit term can be defined as legal requirement which organization has to fulfill and implicit term can be defined as society expectation. Business entity provides assurance to society that it is complying with the expectation of society. Social contract represents the expectation (implicit and explicit) of society about how business entity should perform its operations: Dechow (1994).During golden years (old time), there was only one measure to know the performance of organization, that was profit maximization. It means that the more company will earn profit, the better it is. Other factors were ignored during that period. But nowadays expectation of public has changed- S Seficik (2004). Now, business entity performs its operation by considering the need of the society. Now, business entities have to disclose social issue, political issue and environmental issue in their annual report. Organization has to tell whether they are compliance with laws and regulation which are levied upon them-EF (1970) Implications if business entity is unable to meet the social contract Society gave permission to business entity to perform their activities by fulfilling their needs. Business organization has to compliance with legal, social and political requirement. But sometimes, business organization faces the problem of legal restrictions which are levied upon them. If business organization is unable to meet the social contract then it will not be able to perform its task (operation) effectively and efficiently. When restriction is imposed upon resources of the business organization then it will not be able to fulfill the demand of customer, and its market share will decline. It is very important for business organization to meet the expectation of society because if business organization will not do so then it will lose its market share and its competitor will get an edge in the market. Social contract is very important for legitimacy in accounting. Social contract provides foundation to the legitimacy theory in accounting. So, it becomes important for organization to consider the demand of society while performing its operation. Social contract theory defines the moral obligation of business organization towards the society. Social contract theory is similar to political theory as per Hobbes. In the 21st century, social contract in legitimacy theory regained momentum in the business organization. Social contract theory provides importance to morality. Social contract defines laws, rules which organization has to follow while performing their operation. Now because of social contract which exists between society and business organization, entity perform their operations by considering environmental, social and political issues. It has a positive impact in the society as a whole. Now there is more accountability. It brings transparency in the system. Social contract is very important in todays era as expectation of society is increasing; they want that business organization should perform their task by fulfilling their expectation. Earlier there was only one sole objective of business organization, that was profit maximization or wealth maximization, which means that increase the earning for the shareholders in any way by ignoring all other factors (social factor, environmental factor and political factor). Now Business organization has to consider all the other factors (social factor, environmental factor and political factor) while maximizing the profit for their shareholder. It can be concluded that it is the positive step for the development of society as a whole. Now business organizations are more accountable and it brings transparency in the system. Main motive of social contract is to bring freedom in the society: It means that society has right to exercise their freedom as per Hobbes. Another main motive is to promote rational interest in the society. According to Hobbes concept of social contract between society and the business organization promote rational interest. Another main motive of social contract between society and the business organization is to bring equality in the society. Equality can be defined in terms of equality of need of the society, Equality for resources (scarce resources) and equality oh power of human. Another main motive of social contract between society and business organization is to promote justice relations. It has two dimensions, one is normative dimension and another one is empirical dimension. Last but not the least, motive of social contract between society and business organization is to raise the sovereignty and interest if individual. These all are the basic motive of social contract. I t can be said that it is the positive step for the development of society as a whole. Legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholders theory, intuitional theory, positive accounting and focuses on social contract and responsibility towards society. All the theories-stakeholders theory, positive accounting theory, legitimacy theory are based upon system. The main aim of these theories is to disclose the relationship between society and the business organization regarding disclosure of information. The business organization influences society in which it performs its operations and vice versa. Political economic theory provides basis for Legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory: Fama (1993). As per Ownes (1996), political theory provides framework for the social, economical and political issue. When there is no Political theory, then in that case economic reporting cannot be done by the business organization. Under political theory, reporting done by business enterprise is the exchange of goods between business organization and environment in which it operates. There are two aspects of theory: one is classical aspect, another one is Bourgeois aspect. The main motive of classical aspect of political economic theory is to reduce or minimize the conflicts in the society. Social disclosure by business organization provides transparency regarding the scarcity of resources: Friedman (1970). But bourgeois aspect of political theory does not provide attention to conflicts in the society. The main motive of bourgeois aspect of political economic theory is to consider the interaction of society with the organization. Both legitimate theory stakeholder theory are originated from bourgeois political economic theory. Stakeholder theory has 2 branches: one is ethical branch (it is also known as normative branch) and another one is positive branch (it is also known as managerial branch). There is so much common in both the theories (stakeholder theory legitimacy theory). Both theories are originated from positive economic theory, but legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholder theory. According to Reed (1983), stakeholder is a group of people who has impact upon organization or vice versa (which means that, activities of the business organization have also impact upon group of individuals). Stakeholders are connected to business organization as their interest is connected to business organization. The main motive of stakeholder theory is to avoid the conflicts between business organization and stakeholder and promote the rational interest of the stakeholder. Stakeholder of the organization has right to get information from management of business organization regarding their performance. Stakeholders can be of 2 types: one is primary stakeholder and another one is secondary stakeholder. Primary stakeholders are those stakeholders who participate in day to day functioning of the business organization, with whom business organization is unable to perform its daily task: Strawer (2001). Examples of primary stakeholder are managers of the business organizations, employees of the business organizations; where as secondary stakeholders are those stakeholders who do not intervene in day to day functioning of the business organization. They are not involved in daily routine in business organization but they have impact upon the organization and they can be influenced by activities of business organization. Example of secondary stakeholder is: shareholders. Shareholders of business entity do not intervene in day to day functioning of business entity but activities of business entity can af fect shareholders and vice versa is also true. As per stakeholders theory, Stakeholders have right to get information from business enterprise regarding the performance. When stakeholder ask the business entity to provide the information regarding the performance of company, then in that business entity cannot deny to stakeholder, company is bounded to provide necessary information to the stakeholder. Information which is provided by company can be assumed as a responsibility of the business organization. There is a managerial branch of stakeholders which examine that whether business organization is fulfilling the expectation of stakeholder or not- Evan and Freeman (1988) Under stakeholder theory, only some group of individual is considered by the business organization whereas in legitimacy theory whole society is considered by the business organization. Stakeholder theory is narrow in terms whereas legitimacy theory is wider in terms because legitimacy theory considers society as a whole whereas stakeholder theory only considers particular group of individual. It can be said that Legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholder theory, besides both the theories are common because both the theories are originated from Positive economic theory- Ullman (1985). There are 2 aspects of stakeholder theory; one is ethical aspect whereas another one is managerial aspect. But the management of the business organization is controlled by both the aspects. Sometimes, Legitimacy theory is compared with Positive accounting theory (hypothesis of political cost). But, social contract provides foundation for legitimacy theory. Legitimacy theory does not depends upon assumption (economic based), according to economic based assumptions all the facts are controlled by profit maximization whereas positive accounting theory is based upon such principle: Starks (2003). Thus, it can be said that legitimacy theory is wider in terms and provides holistic view of the business organization whereas positive accounting theory is narrow in term and does not provide holistic view of the business organization. Positive accounting theory ignores non cost factor whereas Legitimacy theory considers the entire non cost factor, so that organization can perform its function by fulfilling the needs and expectations of society where it operates. It also brings transparency in the system of the business enterprise. It can be concluded that Legitimacy theory overlap ped positive accounting theory (Hypothesis of political cost): Hamilton (1993). Institutional theory is a theory which provides linkage between practices of business organization with social values. Under institutional theory, business organization is inclined towards type of uniformity. As per DiMaggio Powell (1983), there are 2 aspects of institutional theory, one is isomorphism and another one is decoupling. Isomorphism can be defined as process of limiting the power of 1 segment in the population to match the remaining segments that will face same kind of environmental issues. There are 3 processes which come under isomorphic aspect of institutional theory: one is coercive, another one is mimetic and last one is normative. Coercive process is similar to stakeholder theory (managerial branch), in coercive process of isomorphism, business enterprise changes its normal practice due to the influence of the stakeholder upon the business enterprise. Stakeholders who are strong can have same expectation from another business entity: Healy (1999). Under Mimetic pro cess of isomorphism, business enterprise took ideas from its competitor to take an edge over its competitor and it will help to overcome the risk of uncertainty in the business entity. Under normative process of isomorphism, people particular pressurize the business entity to implement particular practice. Another aspect of institutional theory is decoupling, under decoupling, manager of the business entity founds that there is a need to implement particular practice, which can varies from present practice which is followed by the business enterprise. It can be said that legitimacy theory overlapped institutional theory as well- Malin (2006). Legitimacy theory is very important in todays world. It plays a vital role in the development of society as a whole. It also helps business organization to achieve its goal effectively and efficiently by meeting the expectation of society, by following rules and regulation which are implied over business entity under social contract. Legitimacy theory is verified through various processes. Many researchers analyzed the requirement of social, political, environmental disclosure in the business organization. Here are some examples of empirical studies (for legitimacy theory) Patten (1992) explained that there is change in disclosure requirement of US oil mills which exists in Alaska. As per Legitimacy theory there is increase in the disclosure requirement of oil mills, which causes increase in overall disclosure requirement of the industry. Deegan (2002) explained that both the term legitimacy and legitimating are different. Legitimacy is the condition which exists when value of the organization is similar to the society whereas legitimating is the process because of which organization is able to view as a legitimate. Lindblom (1994) concluded that legitimacy theory based upon a notion that there should be social contract between society and organization. A social contract is a contract which defines implicit and explicit expectation of society from the organization. Explicit term can be defined as legal requirement which organization has to fulfill and implicit term can be defined as society expectation. Rankin, Voght (2000), used Legitimacy theory to s how how disclosure regarding social issue in yearly report changed around the time. Gordon and Deegan (1996) concluded that increasing disclosure requirement has positive impact on organization. It improves the relationship between society and the organization. Legitimacy theory is the theory which provides the relationship between disclosure requirement of business enterprise and expectation of the society from business enterprise. As per ODonovan (1999), organization assumed that media give shape to the concern of the public and yearly report disclosure provides opportunity to the company to cover from negative media coverage. The relation between social contract and financial performance of the organization is very important. According to Oberman (2000), in late 1920, some organizations were doing voluntarily disclosure. Impact of voluntarily disclosure is very dynamic. Legitimating theory focus on social contract and it explains the responsibility of the business organization towards the society. Social contract provides foundation to the legitimacy theory. It can be concluded that all the theories are important for the development of society and business organization. Application of particular theory depends upon the circumstances under which business organization is doing its operation. Legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholders theory, intuitional theory and positive accounting theory which are discussed above. As social contract plays an important role in legitimacy theory. Application of social contract in legitimacy theory brings transparency in the system and helps the society as a whole in many ways as discussed above. Act legitimately for social contract Business organization should act legitimately by providing relevant information to the society and by fulfilling their expectation. If organization will act legitimately then automatically it will achieve its goal effectively and efficiently, it provides edge to the organization over its competitor- Lang (1991). Organizations are changing their disclosure policy, now they are showing social issue, environmental issue and political issue regarding the performance of the company. In todays era, application of social contract to legitimacy theory in accounting plays an important role as it provide satisfaction that organizations actions are appropriate and desirable without harming the interest of the society: T Shank (2005). Business entity provides assurance to society that it is complying with the expectation of society. Social contract represents the expectation (implicit and explicit) of society about how business entity should perform its operations. Social contract is very import ant for legitimacy in accounting. When stakeholder ask the business entity to provide the information regarding the performance of company, then in that business entity cannot deny to stakeholder, company is bounded to provide necessary information to the stakeholder. Information which is provided by company can be assumed as a responsibility of the business organization. A business organization can select the audience which will become part of such disclosures. Media which is favored by business organization for disclosing social and environmental issue is the website of business entity, stand alone reports/ as part of yearly report of the organization. As per Thomas Hobbes (1985), in todays era it is very important to fulfill the expectation of society. Expectation of society has changed, now social issues, environmental issues are to be considered by organization. Social contract provides foundation to the legitimacy theory in accounting. So, it becomes important for organization to consider the demand of society while performing its operation. Conclusion It can be concluded that social contract provides foundation to the Legitimacy theory. We address the importance of disclosure of social information, environmental information. From last two decades, organization have progressively used their yearly reports to voluntarily report data indentifying with their social activities, especially showing their concern towards natural environment. Organizations are changing their disclosure policy, now they are showing social issue, environmental issue and political issue regarding the performance of the company. Now because of social contract which exists between society and business organization, entity perform their operations by considering environmental, social and political issues. It has a positive impact in the society as a whole. Now there is more accountability. It brings transparency in the system. Social contract is very important in todays era as expectation of society is increasing; they want that business organization should perf orm their task by fulfilling their expectation. Legitimacy theory overlapped stakeholders theory, intuitional theory and positive accounting theory which are discussed above. As social contract plays an important role in legitimacy theory. 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