Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Top Guide of How to Write about Yourself
Top Guide of How to Write about Yourself The Demise of How to Write about Yourself On the path to becoming a writer there are lots of who lose sight of how they don't quit writing once they are published, so it's not a good idea to only write to get published. Being around other folks who write can be quite inspiring. In case you have writer's block, there are means to cure it. Telling a writer he should write for one more individual or company, not get paid is ludicrous! To be a writer one has to practice and work hard. There's nothing I consider hard as a writer because I now understand what things to expect and I'm utilized to each component of it. To be a writer it's critical that you write. A technical writer should have strong communication skills, together with exceptional writing and grammar abilities. The last step to becoming a writer is definitely the simplest. The aim of writing is to prevent predictable things. You can boost your writing by understanding model texts and the way they're structured. Ultimately, however, remember that excellent writing doesn't happen by accident. You may realize what sorts of clients you enjoy, how to draw in better ones and the way to converse with them. Perhaps the toughest portion of the writing task is the capacity to constantly find new and intriguing topics to write about. When you look back on your choices from a year before, you need to always hope to locate a few decisions that seem stupid now because that indicates you're growing. Some projects need other kinds of software, including spreadsheets or video editing. With over 20 million jobs listed on Indeed, a wonderful job description can aid your jobs stick out from the rest. If you employ the word experience' you can link this to your LinkedIn profile. Let's use two unique examples here. Written language skills are an essential part of many positions in virtually every business. In case you have any concerns, it's most effective to ask questions, she states. In a nursing or child development class, students may be asked to create a prediction about the probable results of a specific intervention. The ideal way to learn is to begin practicing. Write is to make music. There are many wonderful reasons to discover the opportunity to write. On top of that, the friendly tone of the page makes you feel you're a friend, and people like to purchase from friends! While the aforementioned situation could be somewhat far fetched, the simple truth is, you truly do need to come across somewhere to write where you are able to get the job done alone and undisturbed. Knowing how to begin a scene is critical. At this time it's a mystery. Your truths can be a whole lot of unique things. Who Else Wants to Learn About How to Write about Yourself? You might opt to specify a limit, including the amount of pages or a time limit. There's no well-defined standard for comma-separated value files, or so the parser should be flexible. Double-check the truth of the facts that you're going to state in the obituary. There's no excuse not to write, in case you really need to. The Proto-Elamite script is made up of over 1,000 signs and is believed to be partly logographic. By tracing the evolution of a script, it's possible to learn about the requirements of the men and women who used the script together with how the script changed over time. When you're writing, attempt to prevent employing the exact words and phrases over and over again. Excellent editing still needs a human being.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on The Discretion of the Police - 831 Words
In this paper, I will be writing about Police Discretion. I will start by defining Police Discretion then briefly discuss the use of discretion in domestic disturbances, minor misdemeanors, and traffic enforcement. I will also discuss the application of police discretion, the provisions it uses and how it is currently practiced. At the end of these brief descriptions, I will then present the myth that exists in regards to police discretion. And finally, I will end this paper with my personal opinion as well as a brief conclusion. First, I will define Police Discretion. Police discretion is the power or authority that is given to a police officer to act officially in a manner that appears to be just and proper under the presented†¦show more content†¦The action taken by a police officer in such cases all depends on his discretion at the time, just as it is done on a domestic disturbance case. The officer has the option of making an arrest or making a report and is all based on his discretion used at the time the situation arises. The other area that a police officer encounters the use of his discretion is when enforcing traffic laws. A police officer uses his discretion at the time of traffic violations by either issuing a citation, giving the person a verbal warning or even making an arrest. An arrest takes place when the police officer’s discretion was completely overwhelmed by an action that seemed completely wrong. At many times, an officer can also choose to ignore an act or violation as i f it did not occur at all. I will now briefly discuss the application, the provisions and the current practices involved in police discretion. The application of this use by a police officer creates enormous criticism. This is because the police officer uses his discretion in many situations and takes actions based on his own decision. This is a good practice but at many times, many people feel they have been discriminated against. Such discrimination can occur with females, an ethnic group or people who are less fortunate than others. The imbalance when applying these actions can cause community relations problems. When many people become concerned, reforms thenShow MoreRelatedPolice Discretion1418 Words  | 6 PagesPolice discretion by definition is the power to make decisions of policy and practice. Police have the choice to enforce certain laws and how they will be enforced. Some law is always or almost always enforced, some is never or almost never enforced, and some is sometimes enforced and someti mes not (Davis, p.1). Similarly with discretion is that the law may not cover every situation a police officer encounters, so they must use their discretion wisely. Until 1956, people thought of police discretionRead MorePolice Discretion1244 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Police Discretion Jocelyn Golphin University of the District of Columbia Criminal Justice System 2/21/2014 Golphin 2 Police discretion is a very important approach in matters concerning criminal justice. There has been a consistent problem between enforcing the law and the spirit of the law. Discretion in the broader sense can be defined as the individual’s ability to make a decision basing on the principle of courses of the action. During trainingRead MorePolice Discretion1548 Words  | 7 PagesPolice Discretion David Gonzalez University of Phoenix Introduction to Policing CJA/370 Professor John W. Feltgen June 23, 2005 Abstract In this paper I will discuss police discretion and the use of these discretionary powers in the law enforcement workplace. I will explore the mythical aspects of police discretionary powers and the source of this myth. I will further discuss the control of discretionary authority. I will name instances of law enforcement officials using their discretionary powersRead MorePolice Discretion1050 Words  | 5 PagesPolice Discretion Police discretion is the ability to choose a course of action because of broad limits of power. It refers to the autonomy an officer has in choosing an appropriate course of action (The Police In America, 113). It includes authority to decide which of the various means of helping the helpless, maintaining order, and keeping the peace are best suited to particular circumstances ( The police need to have discretionRead MorePolice Discretion2131 Words  | 9 PagesDiscretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as â€Å"the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events†(Boivin ump; Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s di scretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcementRead MorePolice Discretion1764 Words  | 8 PagesPolice Discretion Police Discretion Discretion is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as â€Å"the ability to make responsible decisions, individual choice or judgment, power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds.†In law enforcement discretion is left up to each individual officer on the field everyday. Police officers are given the authority to make reasonable and responsible decisions out in the field. Discretion is used in many situations, such as whenRead MorePolice Discretion833 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper, I will be writing about Police Discretion. I will start by defining Police Discretion then briefly discuss the use in domestic disturbances, minor misdemeanors, and traffic enforcement. I will also discuss the application of police discretion, the provisions it uses and how it is currently practiced. At the end of these brief descriptions, I will then present the myth that exists in regards to police discretion. And finally, I will end this paper with m y personal opinion as wellRead MorePolice Abuse Of Discretion And Discretion2015 Words  | 9 Pages Police Abuse of Discretion William Powell Jr. American Military University Professor Robert Arruda CMRJ303 Criminology January 17, 2014 Abstract Utilizing the research from several sources and personal experience, this paper will discuss police abuse of discretion. The paper will begin by defining discretion. The paper will examine several types of discretion variables. The paper will discuss its use in the field and office settings. The paper will discussRead MorePolice Discretion2677 Words  | 11 PagesFrom a criminological perspective discretion can be defined as the authority granted by law to agencies and officials to act on their own considered judgement and conscience in certain situations; and each area of the legal system (judges, parliament and law enforcement) has its own discretion. Police discretion is the ability granted by the legal system to police offices, in certain situations, to act in a manner that allows authorities to make responsible decisions and individual choices or judgmentsRead MoreDefinition Of Discretion And Police Discretion2054 Words  | 9 PagesThe term discretion has several meanings the liberty to decide what should be done in a specific circumstance is one general universal definition. But when dealing with criminal justice and police work the description changes a bit. The criminal justice definition of discretion is Police discretion discusses the authority given to a police officer that allows him or her to decide how to best handle a certain situation. This is designed at increasing the flexibility of the criminal justice system
Monday, December 9, 2019
Veterinary Technicians free essay sample
Technician works as a skilled technical assistant to a veterinarian, or to another biomedical researcher or scientist. Veterinary technicians do not prescribe, diagnose, or perform surgery, and they always work under the supervision of a veterinarian. Thus being said, a veterinary technician career is a natural step for an aspiring veterinarian wanting to test the waters. Most veterinary technicians find employment in private veterinary practices doing traditional clinic work, but veterinary technician career opportunities are also available in other fields, such as teaching, biomedical research, and zoo wildlife medicine. There are many prerequisites students have to take in order to be evaluated for admittance to a program. Biology, Mathematics, and English are required courses for all programs. Each program has other classes they require, but this varies for each program. Veterinary Technician Programs generally consist of two years of academic study, resulting in a certificate, diploma, or an Associate of Science degree. Once in the program each student has to complete many classes. Courses required by all programs are: Anatomy and Physiology Lecture and Labs, Pharmacology, Pathology, Radiology, and Nursing Skills. Each program has different requirements as far as clinicals. Many programs have their students do externships basically to go out and experience what their job will be once graduated. In addition, all states have vet tech credentialing regulations (licensing, certification, registration). Veterinarian technician competency is usually measured by an examination overseen by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners or other appropriate agencies. Veterinary technician careers often appeal to aspiring veterinarians, who can use their vet tech experience as a stepping-stone toward a veterinarian career. Vet tech careers also appeal to people who love animals but do not want to become veterinarians. This career is may also appeal to you if you are looking for a second career, or a new career, because vet tech programs can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. Technicians have many different responsibilities. They can administer anesthesia to animals, under the direction of a veterinarian, and monitor animals responses to anesthetics so that dosages can be adjusted. Techs care for and monitor the condition of animals recovering from surgery. They get to prepare and administer medications, vaccines, serums, and treatments, as prescribed by veterinarians. Perform laboratory tests on blood, urine, and feces, such as urinalyses and blood counts, to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of animal health problems. Collect, prepare, and read samples for laboratory testing, culture, or microscopic examination. Techs clean and sterilize instruments, equipment, and materials. Provide veterinarians with the correct equipment and instruments, as needed. Fill prescriptions, measuring medications and labeling containers. Prepare animals for surgery, performing such tasks as shaving surgical areas. Ann Martinez RVT is twenty-one years old and currently works as Head Technician at Animal Care Center in Metairie. Ann’s path started off like most of ours did, she loves animals. At first she wanted to go into Pre-Veterinary Medicine, but then did some research and found out that Northwestern University had a Veterinary Technology Program and knew that was it! She started off their and loved it, but the program wasn’t intense enough for her. Ann found out about Delgado’s program and was sold. She moved back to New Orleans and started off as part of the Class of 2007. Right after school started Hurricane Katrina came through and displaced all. After struggling for a while to get back, school resumed with only half of the class. Her class had to become extremely flexible because of this and came out on top. She graduated in May 2007. Shortly after graduating she applied to Animal Care Center and was hired immediately. Ann was nervous because it was her first job out of school, but she fit in greatly at the hospital and her knowledge was much respected. The hospital she works at is part of Delgado’s Program where the students come through and learn. Ann is really happy to be a part of it because she gets to give back to Delgado by teaching the students. She recently became a faculty member of Delgado, Clinical Coordinator Assistant. She gets to go around to each student during their externship to make sure everything is going smoothly and on track. Ann plans on working in a hospital for a while, but plans on doing Pharmaceutical Sales for Veterinary Medicine companies in the future. She said â€Å"I am so happy where I am at in my life and wouldn’t change it for a bit! †I am lucky and honored to say I work with Ann and she is a fantastic person and a great friend. She has brought a lot to our hospital and everyone is extremely thankful for that. As stated before, the field of veterinary medicine is in great need of RVTs. This has opened the door to a whole new career field for RVTs. RVTs can be expected to find opportunities in small animal, large animal, exotic animal or mixed animal veterinary clinics or hospital, specialty practices, zoo/wildlife medicine, aquatic facilities, biomedical research facilities, rehabilitation facilities, business and industry, pharmaceutical sales, military, humane societies, veterinary supplies sales, education and the list continues to grow.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
s Republic
Jessica Antolini September 29, 1999 Phil. 1050 – Plato Paper Prof. Michael Shaw Virtue: conformity to a standard of right (Merriam- Webster, 812) . Virtues contribute to people’s actions in today’s society. Society as a whole has a common set of virtues that many people agree on. In today’s society, these are known as laws. Virtues also mold the individual outlook on life, and give them the moral’s to do what is right. In The Republic, Plato divides the city into three classes: gold, silver, as well as bronze and iron souls. Each class is designated to posses a specific virtue. He believes that wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice combine together to form The Republic. However, Plato’s four virtues individually do not necessarily produce a utopian society. A combination of the four in each citizen is imperative in producing the ideal society. In Plato’s search for the perfect â€Å"republic†, he decides that the basis of the city will be on four virtues. The first of them is wisdom. Plato defines wisdom, in Greek terms â€Å"Sophia†, as knowledge of the city as a whole. Of the three classes, the gold souls posses the virtue of wisdom. The gold souls are the only class whose knowledge goes beyond the mere facts to the level of true wisdom. â€Å"†¦This class, which properly has a share in that knowledge which alone among the various kinds of knowledge ought to be called wisdom, has, as it seems, the fewest members by nature†(429a). The second virtue that Plato defines is courage, which in Greek terms is â€Å"Andreia†. Courage is the preservation of the opinion produced by law, through education about what things are terrible, and what things are good. Courage can be found in the silver souls. Plato uses the example that when dyers want to dye wool, they start with the background. They need the right kind of white material, and they have to prepare it carefully; and if they go to this trouble, you can not bleach the color... 's Republic Free Essays on Plato\'s Republic Jessica Antolini September 29, 1999 Phil. 1050 – Plato Paper Prof. Michael Shaw Virtue: conformity to a standard of right (Merriam- Webster, 812) . Virtues contribute to people’s actions in today’s society. Society as a whole has a common set of virtues that many people agree on. In today’s society, these are known as laws. Virtues also mold the individual outlook on life, and give them the moral’s to do what is right. In The Republic, Plato divides the city into three classes: gold, silver, as well as bronze and iron souls. Each class is designated to posses a specific virtue. He believes that wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice combine together to form The Republic. However, Plato’s four virtues individually do not necessarily produce a utopian society. A combination of the four in each citizen is imperative in producing the ideal society. In Plato’s search for the perfect â€Å"republic†, he decides that the basis of the city will be on four virtues. The first of them is wisdom. Plato defines wisdom, in Greek terms â€Å"Sophia†, as knowledge of the city as a whole. Of the three classes, the gold souls posses the virtue of wisdom. The gold souls are the only class whose knowledge goes beyond the mere facts to the level of true wisdom. â€Å"†¦This class, which properly has a share in that knowledge which alone among the various kinds of knowledge ought to be called wisdom, has, as it seems, the fewest members by nature†(429a). The second virtue that Plato defines is courage, which in Greek terms is â€Å"Andreia†. Courage is the preservation of the opinion produced by law, through education about what things are terrible, and what things are good. Courage can be found in the silver souls. Plato uses the example that when dyers want to dye wool, they start with the background. They need the right kind of white material, and they have to prepare it carefully; and if they go to this trouble, you can not bleach the color...
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