Thursday, October 31, 2019
Problems of philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Problems of philosophy - Essay Example Therefore, it can be deduced that philosophical problems do not exist far from the mere lay sense. These serious philosophical problems are compounded together and assigned either questions or names in line with the reasoning behind every method. This synthesis has afforded, the would be untenable, categories of philosophy to be managed easily and vividly in their respective assigned topics. These topics, among others, are; logic, epistemology, metaphysics, theology, aesthetics and ethics and in this paper I am going to shown how each of the readings of units 8 though unit 12 has dealt with at least each of these problems. Unit 8A is Interview with Spinoza/ David Brahinsky In this interview we get the opportunity to list to an interview between David Brahinsky and Spinoza. Baruch Benedictus Spinoza is counted among the greatest rationalists of the west. The discussion starts by Spinoza being given an opportunity to talk about his religion and he is categorical in stating that he beca me non-religious when such an idea was rare in the society. Although later in the discussion we see him stating that reasoning can be boosted by the understanding of the divine itself and for that case the divinity of God. His rationalism as a topic of philosophy is expounded by his strong belief in the power of reason, thought and logic. According to Spinoza reason can impact our thinking and lives and these include also our emotions and spirituality. This is where his metaphysics meets with his rationalism and we see even his interviewer being interested in the way Spinoza’s ideas have been incorporated in the constitution of the current United States. What also strikes is his disbelieve in duality and he holds hat there is nothing like body and mind, just like there is no superior mind which watches over us. In this speech the writer tries to expose all what Spinoza held dear in his philosophy although there is a leading voice in the way he conducts the conversation and mo st of the ideas discussed are in line with the writer’s right wing in philosophy. Unit 8 Dialogues Of Philonous and Hylas Readings: Gill, 257-275 In this dialogue, Berkeley launched a discussion through a dialogue between two men; Hylas and Philonous. The idea of epistemology kicks off the dialogue with both men discussing critically their nature of experiences on how things come to be known. The argument is hinged on metaphysics, specifically seeking to explain the ultimate nature of reality; immaterial and material. As a branch of philosophy, metaphysics seeks to examine the world and the basic tenets of being and in its rudimentary form; it seeks to answer two fundamental questions: what is there and what is it like. Therefore, the way we define object is the import and subject matter of this problematic branch of philosophy. Back to our conversation between Philonous and Hylas, another problematic topic is deployed as a means of justifying metaphysics. This is none other than epistemology which seeks to define knowledge, the way it is acquired and the way we know that we possess such knowledge. Both men in this dialogue, therefore, attempted to justify their metaphysics epistemologically, an approach which could be the easiest for these two intertwined topics. This use of epistemology becomes therefore an approach to trying to solve the problem of answering the questions; what is there and what it is like. It is agreeable that Philonous represents a wise philosopher and teacher because of his clear reasoning and authoritative assertions. Hylas is as if being treated to a lecture which is evident in the way his questions are being responded to by Philonous and the way he is taken through a logical
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Westfield shopping centre London development project Essay
Westfield shopping centre London development project - Essay Example This paper is intended to identify and map out the key actors for each phase of Westfield Shopping Centre London Development Project, from its inception to the final use, as well as to describe and analyse the process of value generation and its distribution between the public and private sector. The paper also identifies the risks each of the main actors took within the project and the returns they get back for taking on those risks. Introduction Wilkinson and Reed (2008, p.) define the property development as â€Å"a process that involves changing or intensifying the use of land to produce buildings for occupation†. On the one hand the property development include not only the land/property itself, e.g. buying or selling it for a profit, but also the infrastructure, building materials, labour, finance, etc., which further determines the process as complex, lengthy and high-risk activity often involving large sums of money and providing a relatively illiquid product (Wilkinso n and Reed, 2008, p.2, 27). On the other hand, this activity does not exist apart from the wider economic and social contexts, whether at local or national levels; therefore, the market (in the case of market-driven economies) directly influences the process of property development. Like all market-driven activities, the property development appears an end product of the demand and supply imbalances generated in the user and investor’s sides of the market respectively; and is also subjected to different interests originating amongst various actors which are unequally represented in terms of whether financial, aesthetic, emotional, social, etc. profit or loss (D’Arcy and Keogh in Guy and Henneberry, eds., 2002, p.19). According to Wilkinson and Reed (2008, p.3) the development process could be divided into several not entirely sequential, often overlapping and repeating stages – initiation, evaluation, acquisition, design and costing, permissions, commitment, imp lementation, and final use – let/manage/dispose; and a variety of important actors appear either within each stage of the process or across some/all of them, as follows: public sector and government agencies, planners (planning authorities), financial institutions, building contractors, professional team, and objectors (Wilkinson and Reed, 2008, pp.13-27). Though these actors are likely to have different perspectives and expectations, they contribute to the outcome of the property development process. The property development process itself, despite its complexity, displays the general characteristics of any other industrial production process - a combination of various inputs in order to achieve an output or product; but there are two features that make it very different – the unique end product (either in terms of physical characteristics or location) and the constant public attention focused on it, from the first to the last stage (Wilkinson and Reed, 2008, p.2). Th e Brief Westfield London Shopping Centre is a mega mall situated in Shepherd’s Bush – London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, which provides 130 803 sq m (1 408 000 sq ft) of retail and leisure accommodation, being home to over 265 shops on five levels, 50 restaurants and cafes, as well as cinema, and car parks for 4 500 cars. The development project has involved regenerating over 44 acres of brownfield site, 9 separate rail projects including the rebuilding/relocation of an operational depot facility for London Underground’s Central Line, together with major road works and construction of three railway stations – two on London’s underground network and one on its over ground network. The project included redevelopment of two Dimco Buildings – Grade 2 listed structures built in 1898 and adjacent to the main construction site, a revamp of Shepherd’s Bush Green and new affordable housing schemes funded by Westfield Develop ment (BBC News, 2009; Savills UK, n.d.). Main phases and actors The development scheme was being
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Influence of Asias Economy on Australia
Influence of Asias Economy on Australia People call 21st century an Asian Century because of Asia’s rise, which leads to a huge change in global power and opulence to Asia or more precisely, move to Asia after peculiar centuries. The inferences for Australians and Australia are intensive, and also they will effect on every part of both external and domestic policy. It is considered to be perilous to extrapolate from the trends that are current. But comparative growth rates of economic, investment and trade patterns, defense capacities, population futures, and impact in worldwide decision making platforms all are directing towards one direction. Julia Gillard, the former Prime Minister of Australia implied the economic numbers last September while declaring the White Paper commissioning on Australia in the Asian Century, are humbly spectacular. Advancement done by Japan and after that by Asian Tigers i.e. Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, or by Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia recently, have been laid in the dark by the vivid performance of India and China. In the last twenty years, these two giant countries have already gained the 40% of the world’s population and also they have enhanced their economic size nine times, while China doubles its economy after every eight years and India after eleven years. They both together have grown their economy in the last two decades and capture almost the fifth part out of tenth of the world’s economy, and further after two decades it can be seen that they will project their economy from fifth to third. China now is the second largest economy of the world and now on its way to become the first in the coming twenty years, or even may be earlier. At the same time, India is trying to exceed the US economy by the mid-century if they are successful in acquiring the power terms. If we talk about per capita term then neither India nor China will be rich enough because of the fact of their tension and internal problem. However, it cannot change the simple truth of a big wealth shift. The growth of economic has been followed by prominent escalations in the military expenses by both India and China, this is 2010 news, after US the China is ranked in second number while India at ninth after France, UK, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Russia. In this modern age, one cannot think about the war between the world’s main powers, power is all about the political influence or its about perception, or it can be defined in terms of military capability, and it can be seen from this context that India and China are making absolute progress in this military weight. The white paper will focus devastatingly on domestic policy settings that how we should gear or take maximum benefit of the great opportunities, especially economic opportunities, from management of macroeconomic, to trade, innovation or industry, training and education, infrastructure, immigration, business regulation, arts and the environment. This paper will mainly focus on the main challenges for Australian foreign policy. In the Asian Century, there are many challenges that are posed for Australia. First is to abstain from the zero sum game option in the terms with US and China; second to maintain a healthy relations with India; third to establish a good relationship with Indonesia; fourth to take part in the establishment of security cooperation and regional economic mechanisms in which Australia is seen as the effective and relevant player. In considering not only the extent but also the nature of foreign policy challenges, also having the capability to perform something in favor of them, it could be profitable to say somewhat in more general manner about the national interest of Australian and the weaknesses and strengths. To every other country the foreign policy primary role is to advance and protect the national interests, and it can be defined firstly by security interest at one hand and on the other hand it can be trade and economic interests; there is nothing more important for any country to guard the country form attack or threat or to enhance the quality of living and income of its people. This idea is based on the fact that there are many problems in the modern world that oblige not just bilateral or unilateral but supportive multilateral act to solve the problem. It can be terrorism, piracy to climate change, mass massacre crimes, from health plagues to unstructured population streams; this is what has been said by Kofi Annan â€Å"Problems without passports†, or international problems or worldwide public problems. Each problem is beyond the capacity of any state to solve, however huge and powerful it is. The ability of any country to follow national interests, in all the dimensions that have been explained above, is its strength promotional by the weakness. Being Self-evident are the Australian strength limits: it will not or will never become the superpower. It is best at middle power, never expected to have military, political or economic influence to force our will on others, and finally dependent on the capacity to admire. But if the Australia plays at middle level diplomacy with the like countries of same characteristics it is possible to generate a healthy relation with the other countries and thus creating a good return in any field. Australia on the other hand is the 12th largest economy, and by landmass it comes at sixth and in maritime zone it comes in third place; it is multicultural country of the world; it shows inimitable viewpoint linking Asia Pacific geography and European history. Individual and peacekeepers of Australia while working in worldwide establishments, both nongovernmental and official, have greatly an exceptional reputation; also as a security alliance with US, we also obey or show strong commitments globally and regionally. The ties between China and US are sound at the moment, enduring some acute connections in 2010 on amount of challenging deeds by China against territorial issues on water over the China Sea towards south, and recently the tension that has been created by the support of US to Chen Guangchen. But still many thinks about this issue that how US will react on the China’s acceleration of Economic Growth. One of the most dangerous or discussed issue of all times in the region is the ill use of nuclear weapons, Washington on the other hand is fully convinced with the performance of Beijing to compel North Korea. In practice by working all the way, and its entailments for how long can we manage our defense carriage and future expenses, in such a way that provides us more comfortable independent security against different ugly possibilities without indulging in such a tension? Australia on the other hand is not interested any more on China’s investment and trade and it can be seen that the relationship is ended with tears, and also with the passage of time Australia has sad that they are not keen in assembling anything from China creating the Cold War strategy. Australia has shown its keens interest in developing a healthy ties with US or South East Asian neighbors. The importance or upswing of India is as important as China, but policymakers have not noticed that. Trade capacities between West and South Asia and East Asia particularly now far offset those over the pacific and they are increasing vividly. China’s growth has been fueled by Gulf oil, and also between the two giants a bilateral trade. There is nothing especial that can alarm Australia, and many among these are happy with this development. Importance of South East Asia in the geographic hub is important due to the fact that it links the South West and North West, same is the case with Australia it also plays a significant role in this action. Australians are now recognizing the importance of Indian economic potential is almost same as that of China. For Australian, India has become a very big market for the natural resources such as gold, coal and copper in general and also the educational services. It can be said that India is the fourth biggest market for export destination of services and goods after Japan, Korea and China and now have the caliber to become the second. In terms of diplomatic, the relations with India are amiable though they are narrow during the Cold War due to some strategies, or due to personality conflict between the PM Menzies and Nehru also they have worked together on different general issues from decades. Australia has a strong tie with India on security issues, too. Indians have strong relation with Australians and consider Australia a perfect place for excursion. But the relation between India and Australia is not as healthy as it should be. There have been seen some episodic disturbance from Indian side. The good place to start with is with the economic relationship, if the bilateral investment and trade ties are to take at some level then there is a need to be an integration of economic with the help of trade agreement which Australia is discussing with the three great partners Japan, Korea and China and it launched an agreement with India. One of the main concerns of the Australian Public policy is that why still Indonesia has not gained the level of understanding and attentions from the leaders than other Asian countries have gained, though it deserves. Mostly people forget about the importance of Indonesia as it comes in number four in the world in area, and it is also the largest Islamic country and the most effective and potential player in ASEAN. The Indonesia in progressing day by day and this cannot be denied that its economy is increasing incredibly and it plays a significant and thoughtful role in both global and regional affairs. There are number of factors that lack the relationship between Australia and Indonesia. One of the factors is the stereotype perception about Indonesia that it is not changed, still some thought as the military dominance, undemocratic, authoritarian, there exist terrorist and a culture that is unknown to Australia. The point is that this concept of stereotype is now obsolete and there in Indonesia there is a proper democratic transformation. There are various factors and issues that are arising over the last number of years, make it authoritative that they are trying to work as hard as they can to implement the policy making architecture, security cooperation and regional economic mechanisms that truly work. There has been seen three basic differences between the Indo Pacific and Asia Pacific, cooperation and dialogue, there is no platform for security that bring all together, another key platform of APEC which plays a significant role in trade facilitation, even if it has not complete the hopes and not lived that much excluding India; there is another platform or forum named as East Asia Summit for policy issues like economic, security and socio political also it excludes the countries like Russia and US. Australia indeed is hopeful and can meet the challenges in foreign policy, but still it needs to be quick and show more reflexes, because things happens, incidents occur, sometimes there have made a misjudgments, peace can be turned into the war, we can see that these things happened in the past and still can be happened again.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pros and Cons of Weight Reducing Diets Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet
Pros and Cons of Weight Reducing Diets         The article â€Å"Health Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight-Reducing Diets: A Computer Analysis and Critical Review†outlines eight diets that were examined and how the researchers and doctors looked at the potential long term effects of each one. The diets examined were Atkins, Protein Power, Sugar Busters, Zone, ADA Exchange, High-Fiber Fitness, Pritikin and Ornish. The research team created formulas using computer software, menu plans with recommended snacks and looking at the food pyramid to estimate coronary heart disease (a disease of the heart and arteries that blocks blood flow to the heart). They found that diets high in protein and fat, protein being a complex organic molecule necessary for the proper functioning of an organism; and low in carbohydrates, an organic compound that serves as a major energy source, produce a greater risk for coronary heart disease and diabetes.         â€Å"Over 50% of Americans are overweight.†This has led to the creation of many different diets. Some of these diets promote healthy eating and long-term weight loss while others are just fad diets with unsafe recommendations. It is suggested by expert panels that people should consume about 30% fat, from which only 10% can be saturated fat (a fat of animal origin) and less than 300 mg. of cholesterol daily. Cholesterol is a white substance found in animal tissues that serves the cell membranes.         The first thing the researchers did was to identify which diets were currently popular. They then looked at those diets that have been around for a long time. Each diet examined was different. The Atkins diet states that a high-fat ... ...tein Power diets are very high in total and saturated fat compared to current dietary guidelines. Long-term uses of these diets for weight maintenance are likely to significantly increase cholesterol concentrations and risks for coronary heart disease.†Diets that are higher in carbohydrates and fiber actually lower these risks. High fat diets do have short-term weight loss but the potential hazards for worsening the risk for heart disease and cholesterol problems override the short-term benefits. Sources Consulted:                   Anderson, James, MD. â€Å"Health Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight-Reducing Diets: A Computer Analysis and Critical Review.†American College of Nutrition 19 (2000): 578-590.         Dictionary. 21 October 2004. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 14 May 1995. .        Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Airbus Strategy of Assembling an Aircraft Essay
Airbus is a multinational company, with its headquarters in Toulouse, which coordinates all activities and controls the progress in all corporate functions. Its main actions are focused on four EU members: France, Germany, UK, Spain (Airbus online: 2012) France includes four manufacturing sites and three assembly lines. As one of the founder members France has the biggest number of employees. Germany has an important role in the development and engineering of all aircrafts. Hamburg is the Centre of Excellence for cabin and cargo customisation. (Airbusonline:2012) The main contribution of the United Kingdom is the expertise in the design and manufacturing of wings. The assembling of wings for all Airbus aircrafts takes place in the UK. Spain contributes the expertise in weight-saving, composite materials and in innovative manufacturing technologies. However, non EU members like China, Japan, USA or Russia have become more and more attractive in terms of working conditions and tax policy. (Airbusonline:2012) These international collaborations emphasize the multinational thinking of Airbus and indicate the EU as an important partner in terms of creating attractive general conditions. It has to be noticed that Airbus’s operations are one before and one after the implementation of the Sup@irWorld Program. In the next, are listed some of the advantages and disadvantages of the its implementation. Pros: * Improved productivity of its operations to effectively cater to the changing requirements of its customers. * Cycle time reduction of manufacturing aircrafts from 7.5 to 6 years * Smart buying- Reduced its supply cost base: The aim of this program was sharing risk with their suppliers and thus make them more responsible for the overall performance of Airbus. * Improvements in Supply Chain * Improved efficiency through new implemented technology in the supply chain * Quality standards * Economies of scales * Better scope for interoperability between its several entities * Fewer but dedicated suppliers and service providers * Introduction of the Supply Chain Quality Improvement Program (SQIP) to achieve the best performance in the industry such as supply chain efficiency, quality and on time delivery. Cons: * Job cuts -10,000 employees out of 87,000 across its plants were fired when implementing the power8 program * Lack of standardization before the introduction of sup@irWorld. This was leading to inefficiency in its operations with its different manufacturers, ordering the same spare fro different suppliers and using several logistic providers. Airbus recently introduced a ‘maintenance, repair and overhaul’ (MRO) strategy supporting RFID adoption for â€Å"value chain visibility,†by tracing both flyable and non-flyable components over their total lifecycle. According to Carlo K. Nizam, Airbus’s head of value chain visibility, the increasingly competitive global market, and the need to reduce costs and streamline business processes in order to remain competitive has driven the firm to adopt RFID. Airbus introduced the RFID-technology to increase their overall supply chain transparency and visibility to improve their general reactivity. Its goal is to â€Å"error-proof and automate†its supply chain and manufacturing operations to reduce aircraft production and maintenance costs. †¢ Minimize unplanned maintenance and detect malfunction early †¢ Manage and reduce airline parts inventories †¢ Establish audit trails for each uniquely identified object †¢ Ensure that the correct part is being used in the right place †¢ Mechanics can access document, task, and parts data, and locate and track approved spare parts in real time †¢ Identify and track tool location, usage history, and repair requirements †¢ Improve safety and security by authenticating components Benefits of utilizing RFID to Airbus: * Visibility: getting automatic updates of events in the value chain and an unprecedented high level of information * Process Benefits: the cycle times are shorter and less inventory is needed * Business Benefits: reduction in inventory, capital assets and stock reconciliations, and an increased labour productivity and supplier monitoring Drawbacks of utilizing RFID to Airbus: * High Costs * Standardization Issues: It can be very challenging to manage multiple readers and hardware, especially across many facilities * Potential Data Interference and Overload Issues: whether multiple passive RFID devices can cause interference to aircraft systems, whether a strong and undesired signal can activate all devices simultaneously, and the corresponding effects on aircraft systems * Environmental factors: emperature, presence of liquids or metals, such as foil packaging and liquid detergents, can affect the ability of readers to work reliably * Resistance to Change from Barcode System
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Malunggay and Spinach Essay
I.Chapter I (Introduction) Background of the Study (Rationale) â€Å"He gives us that vast goodness of nature and vegetation is among those. As man propagates for abundance; he deserves to harbor tremendous benefits from it.†The discovery of herbal plants made the possible existence of modern medicine. Modern medicine makes use of these plants in making capsulated herbal medicine or food supplements. It is scientifically proven that numerous of vitamins and minerals are found in herbal plants that can supply the needs of living things, specifically humans. These vitamins and minerals help supply energy within a person’s body, which is needed for everyday activities in order for them to perform well. Herbal plants nowadays are not just made as medicinal purposes but also as food ingredients so that it may add a unique and healthier flavor to foods. Malunggay was once considered a â€Å"poor man’s vegetable†but now it is known as a â€Å"miracle tree†or â€Å"nature’s medicine cabinet†by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments such as arthritis, anemia, ovarian cancer, heart complications, kidney problems, asthma and digestive disorders. Each ounce of Malunggay contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of bananas. Spinach is well-known in stabilizing the blood sugar among diabetics, it serves as an anti-oxidant, an anti-cancer agent, it prevents from atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries and it aids in the formation of the blood substance required for blood clotting. Besides of it being considered as an herb rich in Iron, it is also a rich source of Carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, Fat, Protein, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Calcium. The combination of both herbs can surely make a nutritious supplement for all ages. This study aims to presents the result of the beneficial mix of Malunggay and Spinach called as Malunggay and Spinach powder. A power duo, a product of nature, harness within reach and concocted with simplicity. II.Statement of the Problem The study aspired primarily, to search for alternative ways of utilizing the common backyard plants Malunggay and Spinach so that it won’t be placed into waste. Secondarily, make a different and simple preparation of it right in one’s home aside from the usual capsule and tablet forms, which currently dominate in the market. Lastly, to disseminate the information on how to augment a nutritional need within in reach and friendly to the pocket. The study addressed the following specific questions: 1.) What are the procedures in preparing the Malunggay and Spinach powder? 2.) Is there a specific expiration for this product? 3.) Are there different processes of drying each kind of leaves? 4.) How long can the end product be stored? 5.) Is it advisable to dry the Malunggay and Spinach leaves under direct sunlight? 6.) What are the uses of the Malunggay and Spinach powder as an additive? 7.) What specific amounts of Malunggay and Spinach to be prepared to meet our nutritional needs? 8.) What are the nutritional values from the combination of Malunggay and Spinach? 9.) Can this research work possibly be pursued in the future? III.Significance of the Study Health awareness is the prime investment, ingenuity is the investors joining effort and wellness is the net gain. Most people think that adapting a healthy and well-conditioned life is expensive and difficult to achieve. The significance is just how one resourcefully utilizes the cheap, the natural abundance of nature, and the untiring quest to alternatives and remedies. Malunggay and Spinach are kind of vegetables that are rich with vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are needed for optimum health. The purposeful cahoots will serve as a supplement Malunggay, touted as All- around miracle tree or Natures medicine cabinet contains a wide variety of nutrients in high amounts and Spinach, known as Powerhouse of Nutrients fill in essential Potassium, Phosphorus and Niacin that Malunggay does not have. This potent combination in powder form add nutrition to our deficient diet due to modern farming methods, nutrient-deficient soils, high levels of pollution that places more stress, and busy lifestyles that make it hard to prepare healthy balanced diet. It acts as an inexpensive insurance against nutritional deficiencies. This study will promote awareness on the relevance of serving of vegetable meals, soup, bread, dessert, shakes, juices and mixes with Malunggay and Spinach powder. It encourages households to plant Malunggay and Spinach in backyards for personal consumption. Finally, it inspires people to study and search for benefits on vegetables and other agricultural produce. IV.Scope and Limitation of the Study The study focused on the specifications of how to procure the major quality ingredients, the Malunggay and Spinach leaves and conscientiously observed the proper storage and maintanance of suitable room temperature. It took two (2) months and a half to get the final result of the research work using the method of experimentation. As Malunggay was readily cultivated in the backyard on the contrary, Spinach was a hard find. It started from a given tiny seedling from mountainous Busay and was replanted.
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